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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. We’re all big lads here, you don’t need to be overly PC, just come out with it.
  2. It’s the same principle they used to con people in to Brexit. Cunts. Every single one of them.
  3. Aye, after the Finnish 10,000m runner. 😉
  4. @Alex, If you didn’t sing Scatman every time you saw “Rarfy” you’re not the man I thought you were.
  5. 13yr old girl and 10yr old boy. Lassie currently thinks everything I, (and the rest of the family) do is embarrassing and spends her time avoiding us like the plague, Laddie and I play together and shit-talk each other when we fuck up. Mrs. watches any owld shite on TV. Standard, healthy family dynamics
  6. When Scorsese films my life story, I’ve told him that the fever-dream sequence should be this cunt, endlessly repeating his fucking Zippy and George impressions ( I’ve not linked the video, you’ve all seen it hundreds of times - “ Oh man, this is hilarious, watch this…” ).
  7. Im not even going to say it… just fnarr.
  8. Aye, that’s a bizarre one, and not that uncommon, weirdly. I kind of understand that people might have a curiosity/fascination with it, but keep that shit to yourself, you fucking serial killer in-waiting. There’s some notorious footage of Serbian blokes and Mexican cartels killing people in the most godawful ways which a lot of lads I’ve worked with seem to see having viewed it as a badge of honour- aye, thanks but no thanks, I’m quite happy living my life aware that it’s happened but I have no desire to see it.
  9. You can switch off the auto save function… thank fuck
  10. The amount of utter garbage, unfunny “funny” videos, and absolutely rancid porn that is sent on construction sites is mind boggling.
  11. Aye, definitely a “sound on” clip that one.
  12. Whoever posted that has some “interesting” photos saved
  13. Remarkably similar story here- Fortnite turned him in to a little twat, to be frank. Minecraft is still a big one with him and his pals, but he’s getting bored of the shite from multiplayer He’s asked about Sniper Elite 4 too, which is a great game. edit: There’s an achievement if you shoot Hitler in his Uninad, called the Albert Hall achievement
  14. @NJS The rich, the Royals, and MPs will get the expensive one, we plebs will get the cheap one. Same as ever.
  15. My laddie asked if he could play Odyssey at the weekend ( he’s under the age limit for it, but he’s seen/heard far worse language and nudity on TV). He was a Fortnite freak, so I told him that, especially early on, if he storms in to fights he’ll get pasted. Scout, Scan, Sneak. Sure enough, in his first few hours, he got pasted. He’s managed to get off Kephalonia though, (laughed himself daft at the Cyclops/Goat scene) and is now getting pasted on the mainland
  16. Abused by a hippo Wait until you meet the War elephants …
  17. It’s the duplicity that puts me off- I watched the episode linked above and not a single discussion of which is best- shortcrust or flaky pastry. Did they even tackle the hot topic of “when is a pie not a pie?” ( answer- when it’s a dish of pie filling with a pastry top on it… pie masquerade)- not even a mention. pfft. disclaimer- I didn’t watch it, so they might have.
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