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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. This place Never forgive, never forget.
  2. Dunno mind, my babies didn’t cry when I locked them in their crates…
  3. You’ve nailed his “posh” Geordie accent there too.
  4. Absolutely guaranteed his tipple of choice is Stones, or, given his love of Manchester, Boddingtons.
  5. It’s as predicatable as Bruce’s mid-morning stool. ( happy tea-time, everyone).
  6. This post has put your t-levels in to negatives.
  7. How much of her hair is dyed blonde, as a percentage?
  8. Quite horrific that- his description of being in the crowd is pretty visceral. Out of the whole article, these lines stood out to me as summing up what they ( the campaigners) were fighting about, and for, and touches on the awful guilt he describes. “But now the truth is out. And history will record that it was the police, and not us, who stole from the dead – they stole their lives, they stole the truth about their deaths, and they stole the next 27 years of the lives of their loved ones.”
  9. He turned up not too long after Ashley bought us. , then opened his current account a couple of years ago- it might not be exactly 10 years but it’s only a kick in the bollocks away from it.
  10. Because then he’d have to admit that he’s been an absolute fucking whopper for over 10 years on a “rival’s” message board.
  11. You’re meddling with powers you can’t possibly comprehend.
  12. I think it’s time we all calmed down ( ey, ey!) and appreciated the glory of Techno Hitler. There, wasn’t that nice?
  13. Indiana Jones and the Stannah Stairlift of Doom? He’s nearly 80, I’m guessing there’ll be some young lad he’s passing the bullwhip and hat too?
  14. Israel opposition parties agree to form new unity government https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-57336574 Agreement reached.
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