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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. What did the Irish do to you like, you monster?
  2. Aye, it’s a fucking nightmare, and for no good reason that I can discern.
  3. You didn’t try to turn right after the Tyne Bridge, did you?
  4. I thought it was the gadgie selling it.
  5. * opens business selling glass covfefe tables in the Home Counties.
  6. Looks like Georgie has a massive deformed hand/trotter here. Unless that’s ewerk’s Da feeding him
  7. I don’t mate- lived in the Ardeche Gorge, climbed in the Verdon, took a lass for a mucky weekend to the Gorges du Tarn. Did you stay in Poncebos?
  8. I’d imagine being shat on by a vulture would ruin your day.
  9. Grizzly fucking Addams here
  10. Some achievement that, how does he hold the controller with hooves?
  11. Lads, this is getting way too close to RTG thread level. It’s a PC game the bloke was playing- He chose to play as us- I understand the lads saying it shows how far we’ve fallen under the Fat Cunt, but there’s other things to get riled about.
  12. Needs a few lessons from Slugger Prescott..…
  13. More than Mayweather or the other fuckwit did.
  14. Mackems looking over their shoulder at their new derby Hartlepool 3-2 Bromley: Rhys Oates scores twice for Pools in National League play-offs https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/57297079
  15. The main difference being Ayatollah actually got some UHT.
  16. Thats aside from the club itself continuing to play him when they knew the extent and nature of what he’d done. Classy #league1 #heronfoods #reading #nappyrippers
  17. Thought I was tripping just now, saw a small flock of green parakeets fly past Turns out there’s breeding populations in Fenham, Jesmond , Wallsend and Gosforth.
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