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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. It’d be worth the sack to just stand there and do the “wanker” sign.
  2. Fraser on. C’mon the Porridge… boys ( for the snowflake)
  3. #trampsnest #heronfoods #onlygotoneshirt
  4. It’s not too bad tbh. https://www.roads.org.uk/motorway/a1/550
  5. Fair enough, cunt it is then. Have at it gents.
  6. Gan canny on Quiff lads- we’ve all got a fairly dark sense of humour on here, Quiff’s just massively misread the room- we’ve all done it at some point. It’s not his fault, all those years inhaling smog on Teeside have fogged his brain 😉
  7. It’s the Finnish fans singing his first name and the Danish fans responding with his surname. Nice.
  8. Rename it Newcastle and Washington Airport, just to fuck with them
  9. They had an airstrip at Washington, but then they built a fuckng factory on it. I think our official response should be “Get fucked”.
  10. Listened to this several times since you posted it, it’s really rather good. 👍
  11. This is what happens when you spend your entire career in the looming shadow of Gibbo and Anal Oliver. The bench is good enough.
  12. Sean Ryder is looking even worse than the other day- is he ok, hun?
  13. Aye, it’s where Stephenson built the Locomotion, Rocket and other engines, been here long before coppers even existed as a concept.
  14. Bod- “Nine points, what for?” Plod- “ Owning a Dacia”
  15. What odds that this “former first-team figure” has sheet-metal-working in his family background
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