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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Yank version of CT at 1:59.
  2. I wish our future was as bright as Graeme fucking Sourness’ fucking teeth.
  3. I’d love Roy Keane to put on some sunglasses whenever Sourness opens his fucking newly shiny mouth.
  4. It’s not reallly valid, as his implication is that the plague went away and people survived with vaccines. Both are wrong- the Black Death, or bubonic plague, is still around, and there is now a vaccine for it. Before the vaccine it would break out regularly in various regions, but never at the levels of the 1300s. In 1995 a vaccine resistant strain was found, and as recently as 2017 it killed 170 people there.
  5. Tbf he was up against prime totty. I’m sure she’s a good politician too.
  6. Is that the bloke that sang about Fast Cars? Also, Sarah Green, who just whipped the Tories…
  7. I’m finished at 3:30 today, but back in at 7:30 tomorrow morning, so I’m being sensible and only having 96 stubbies.
  8. PL. “ Honest current Mrs. PL, I only unbuttoned his strides, nowt else…” CMPL ” Why’s your top lip stuck to your nose?”
  9. Just slipping this in early for our Perspiring contingent. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52915690
  10. Can we all just agree that Quiff works harder than all of us combined and as a result is a spotty Herbert? Cheers.
  11. I’ve never bought that fucking rag! Sunday Sport all the way.
  12. It hasn’t even happened, but I’m chuckling at the thought of Andrew Neill declaring Anil Fobhakki on his Gammon channel.
  13. I have booked my flight to NZ, and then I am coming to shit in your doorstep.
  14. Someone please call in as Hugh Janus.
  15. I once delivered 240 cans of Basics lager to a house in Gateshead The bloke was nowhere near as much of a train wreck as I expected him to be, but still…
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