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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Maybe all the denpressure* got to him? *Remind me how that works again.
  2. Will you at least buy some of our lovely sausages?
  3. Just watched this. I thought it was excellent- wasn’t sure I’d like it after the first 5 minutes, then it just got better and better. I thought Sharon Horgan’s monologue explaining “exponential” was fucking amazing- very well written, and her performance for that bit alone has probably got her some shiny award. McAvoy was his usual, excellent self, my only gripe is that his character seemed to have much more development, whereas there were opportunities for Horgan (e.g. her feelings towards her sister), that didn’t get the same treatment as his. Kid was fucking weird
  4. Shite isn’t it? How do they think it makes LGBTQ players feel that their own governing body isn’t prepared to stand up for them? They should light the thing up anyway and when they get fined tell them that they “Respect” UEFA, but won’t be paying as it’s a political fine.
  5. Dalian Atkinson: PC guilty of former footballer's manslaughter https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-shropshire-57495426
  6. I think we know the answer to that one. I reckon Quiff’s Mam has put his rent up after finding his stash of piss bottles and dodgy internet testosterone pills.
  7. It’s a bottle of Bucky too
  8. Taking Fistette Jnr for a PCR this afternoon, she’s a close contact of a Lurgy case at her school. Self isolating until 2nd July pending results. Whoopee. 😷
  9. Can you not ask your lass for hers… … oh wait.
  10. Surprised you typed that so fast with your fingers like pig’s tits.
  11. Nothing gets up either, “ Pregabalin Side effects mood changes feeling sick swollen hands, arms, legs and feet blurred vision for men, difficulties with getting an erection” It’s ok, Pele has your back
  12. Of course you are. Billy Big Cock - *whips out phone Quiffs Ex- “ Mmmfffnnmmmmgh!” Billy Big Cock - “Eh?” Quiffs Ex- * unimpales herself … ” You can’t film us, I promised Quiff that only he would have vids of me” Billy Big Cock- “ Oh, ok”… *puts cock back in her throat… “ Smile for the camera” Quffs ex - “ Mmmmmfffnnnghhhnmmm!”
  13. @TheGingerQuiff, if you do flounce off, will you send us the vids of your lass getting buckled by the ex first please?
  14. Is he still wumming this to death? What happened Quiff, did she film the ex’s mate having a go on her too?
  15. This is a bloke that needed instructions to buy chilli flakes- did he fuck make it.
  16. He’s 100% pissed in it after 2 Hoegarden’s too many.
  17. As long as I live I’ll say it’s the biggest con ever pulled on this country’s people. Well, maybe up until the Tory Fascist Party do away with democracy…
  18. Looks like we’ve found Gemmill’s condom thief.
  19. Quiff’s ex has obviously sent him a video of her getting split in two by her ex-ex. That, or it’s rag-week.
  20. They’re insane like. * hears a branch snap in PNW forest… “Bigfoot!”
  21. It’d be real shame if he ended up getting divorced over this… no, really- the little cunt might end up doing more punditry to pay for it.
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