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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Someone won’t be getting a free cow.
  2. See above two posts. As has your lass’s ex. Again.
  3. As opposed to his lass, who’s being rattled by her ex. Which I think might be the root of the whole problem here
  4. When did you last touch a minge- to the nearest month will do. Your t-levels are tanking post by post here like, quit before you grow your own tits.
  5. William fucking Storey Of course, you’ve totally swerved the fact you’ve been called out for cuntishness, suggesting that you know full well it’s true. Ticker’s top notch now btw, amazing what actual prescription drugs, used properly, can do.
  6. Mammy, the nasty man is being horrid to me. Can I have a cuddle.
  7. Renton, who I’d listen to every day of the week on the subject, since it’s his area of expertise, has had a pretty horrific time of it during this pandemic. Whatever you think about his reactions, a little bit of humanity and respect for his situation costs nowt, and frankly, you’ve come across as even more of a cunt than usual about it. I’m all for piss taking and sarcasm, but not at the cost of basic decency towards someone who’s clearly been through the mill. Your lass sent you any more anal destruction videos, btw?
  8. I’m sure J69 doesn’t need me to point out that you still live with your Mammy, so I won’t. “Quiff, why are your socks stuck to the ceiling again? Have you been caning the kamagra again? You’ll go blind!” ” Sorry Mam… can we have chicken dippers for tea please?”
  9. Other than the multiple posts where you are doing exactly that. Jog on, fucking daft twat.
  10. Would you have her back? “Get tae fucking fuck ye fucking fuck” springs to mind.
  11. Which internet wingnut has told you Long Covid doesn’t exist, or are you just fishing for bites?
  12. Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.
  13. Life’s hard below the poverty threshold, eh? Stay strong, Strong Britain, Love Boris, Get fucked.
  15. Florida building collapse: Report from 2018 warned of 'major damage' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-57621774 Yikes.
  16. I’d never considered how much vibration lifts produce- in what will basically be sand, that’s going to cause it to settle/subside over time and potentially liquify? I know they’d been having torrential rainstorms there before and after the collapse.
  17. It certainly looks like the underground car park played a major part in this. I find it incredible, given that it’s built on reclaimed swampland, that ; 1- It’s got an underground car park 2- It’s 12 storeys 3- Its fucking concrete. Built in the 1980s though, so the entire architect’s office was probably high as balls. edit; apparently it’s been sinking at a rate of 2mm per year for the last 30 years at least, so this was almost inevitable. 6cm doesn’t sound like a lot (unless you’re Mrs. CT), but it’s a crazy amount in a building.
  18. Piss poor construction materials, piss poor maintenance, poor choice of site, idiots knocking walls out- fuck knows really, but I’ll bet it’s at least one of the above. Looks like it collapses in the middle first. There’s also lights on when it drops, look at the bit that’s left standing for a few seconds, a light goes on just before it drops as well. Horrific. There’s been 35 people pulled out alive, but over 50 missing.
  19. This building collapse in Florida is fucking insane. Pic below outlines how much of it collapsed.
  20. .--. .-.. . .- ... . / -.-. .... --- -.- . / --- -. / .- / -.-. .... . .-. .-. -.-- / - --- -- .- - --- / -.-- --- ..- / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- .. -. --. / --. .. -- .--. .-.-.- https://morsecode.world/international/translator.html
  21. Tits oot for the lads, then.
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