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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Missed the first half- was defrosting an Iceland Prawn Ring.
  2. Just done the Christmas food shop- it was remarkably chilled with no shortages that I could see. Still eye-watering at the checkout, but it did include “refreshments”.
  3. So sorry to hear this man, I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. I’ll repeat ewerk’s very good advice though, It helps put all the emotions- guilt, anger, despair, sorrow, in context and helps enormously.
  4. If you look up his hometown on Wikipedia, apart from the dodgy name, he’s not even listed in the “people of note” section. population : 3436
  5. Fuck. Send him my sympathy. Doesn’t matter how old you are, losing your old man hits you hard. Totally understand him taking a timeout from online shite.
  6. The point about K2 in winter, as well as all the points mentioned earlier, is just the ridiculous, energy-sapping cold. -47. That’s not even factoring wind-chill, plus the effects of altitude. It also mentions that in winter “all the snow will have been blown off it”, which sounds like a good thing, but it’s not. It increases the difficulty by a huge amount- where certain parts would be a relatively easy slog up snow fields or “easy” ice climbing, the lack of snow makes these parts way more technical and risky. Also, with more rock and ice pitches, the risk from rockfall ( caused by daily freeze/thaw actions), is hugely increased. Whilst the above increases the likelihood of accidents, it also makes the possibility of rescue significantly less viable. I really hope they manage it- it’d be one the greatest feats of modern mountaineering. I also hope that they have the nous to call it a day if things look dicey, but the very fact they’re attempting it tells me their risk aversion doesn’t make this likely.
  7. I’ll be very surprised if this ends well- up to 24 people to make a winter attempt on K2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55341778 It’s a brutal mountain at the best of times, but this is just asking for it.
  8. I’m sure Trooper is retired?
  9. Is that @The Fish’s Tinder persona?
  10. Mine is about when Macca met Gandaft down the local scrap heap for a sesh on White Lightening and Rich Energy… “Mullered in Tyres So pissed rolling round on our knees…”
  11. They used all the folks from the moon landings conspiracy. Rethink Reskill Reboot
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