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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. “ I don’t read books”
  2. I mean, if you really want pics of my starfish, I’ll send them in a PM, your 5 minute opt-out countdown starts now.
  3. She mentions the Executive Order he brought in to stop Lefties and Black people peacefully protesting his cuntery, which, ironically, could be the very legislation used to charge him. b) It is the policy of the United States to prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law, and as appropriate, any person or any entity that participates in efforts to incite violence or other illegal activity in connection with the riots and acts of vandalism described in section 1 of this order. The language used in it is shocking for an official document mind. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-protecting-american-monuments-memorials-statues-combating-recent-criminal-violence/
  4. I’ve asked the Mrs. to dress up like a nurse and shove some tubes up my nipsy. Help Save The NHS!
  5. Nicked. If only he’d worn a mask
  6. Someone should send a pair to Ben Shapiro’s Mrs.
  7. He’s so popular, even dead singers hate him.
  8. Im glad it wasn’t around when I was in my pomp- I’d have died of a blart overdose.
  9. The Christmas Tree- call me biased but the Christmas Tree is always the worst of any given set of options.
  10. He’s buried at his Presidential Library and Museum. Ford gave him a full pardon, which, combined with him avoiding impeachment by resigning, means he still kept the Mr. President bit. I think
  11. Quick answer is no one is sure, as it’s never happened. Nixon resigned, before he was removed, so technically got to keep use of Mr. President. Other titles include “Honorable” which isn’t exclusive to Presidents, but he’d likely keep the use of it- I also think, judging by the tone and words used by Pence when announcing Biden’s confirmation, that using the 25th wouldn’t be as unlikely as some think it is.
  12. I read an article yesterday saying the Centre for Life was going to be used as a centre for Mass Inoculation. “Mass” - not sure how the logistics of this will work re. parking/public transport, and having fuck loads of people in one small area during a pandemic
  13. It’s a wholesome design for his local canoe club- sculling is a paddling technique, using a paddle, hence the skull and cross-paddles. The 3rd Herrliches Reich Kanutruppen group are simply an outdoors loving bunch of canoe-enthusiasts, who hate Jews and black folks.
  14. It’ll be interesting to see how the Biden inauguration ceremony goes ahead in the wake of this, and the need for it to be Covid-safe. Frankly, I’ll be amazed if it is still held on the steps of the Capitol as is usual.
  15. I think it’s gone off, tbh.
  16. My Mrs. is currently on the phone telling her bosses to get fucked after being told she “must” cover colleagues who won’t don’t their shifts because they’re afraid of catching the virus. She already goes there 2 days a week, they want her to do more. Not happening. edit; she works in Shitsville
  17. He brought friends… accompanied by “Hang Pence” chants.
  18. You’re correct there, since DC has special status as it isn’t technically a state. But, it’s being reported that Pence gave the order. Also worth noting that there has been a flurry of resignations at the WH since the attack on the Capitol. The rats are abandoning ship.
  19. There’s discussion that Pence and the Cabinet have already invoked the 25th but not announced it yet until the mouth breathers have dispersed from Washington DC. It turns out that Pence gave the order to deploy the National Guard, which only the President has the power to do. However, if that is the case, then technically he cannot oversee the ratification of the Electoral College votes, as that’s the job of the VP. I won’t be at all surprised if Trump is officially sacked off within the next day or so. https://www.defense.gov/Newsroom/Releases/Release/Article/2464427/statement-by-acting-secretary-miller-on-full-activation-of-dc-national-guard/ ( note that Trump, the Commander-in-Chief and only person authorised to do so, is explicitly not mentioned in the statement above about activating the National Guard).
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