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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The gammons will be fuming when they can’t buy a nice Full English in Benidorm
  2. Hang in there Fish mate. I know you don’t post as often as you used to, but we’ll always treat you with utter disregard for your feelings and will never sign up for you and the guys’ podcast. Hope this helps. Had a wobble myself around August/September but much improved now, which is unusual as winter is normally my downfall re.mental healthwise.
  3. If I was an F1 fan, I’d very much care if this fucking chancer was anywhere near my team.
  4. Why’s there a tatty old bit of Medieval-looking shite on the wall in this video? It’s right there, under the picture of the Bayeux Tapestry.
  5. Her best work was in “ I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles”, but I think Michael Jackson’s estate banned it.
  6. Message received-stay out of Bamp Central.
  7. I think the lack of sleep from having Fish Jnr. did that.
  8. Where’s that, so I can avoid it.
  9. Good to hear he’s on the mend Trooper- don’t forget to look after yourself too, this’ll be taking its toll on you and Mrs. T. 👍
  10. I’d suggest the Yank lot go back to using good ‘ole snail mail to spread their hatred, but their Cunt-in-Chief did his best to destroy the USPS. Delicious.
  11. I’ll be honest here, if a bloke has aspirations to eventually become PM, it’s a bit nit-picky to criticise him for having the flag of his country in his office. He’s barely been in position long enough to draw breath, and now he’s the Devil Incarnate. This is why Labour allowed the Cunts back in to power- we’re so busy tearing our own to shreds, we take our eye off the real enemy.
  12. It’s not just Quiff that laces the Kamagra these days.
  13. Also, he won’t need to worry about the Scottish Labour vote for too long.
  14. Love that song- if it came on, my lass at the time knew she was about to get rattled
  15. Apparently the lad behind her had a crush on her.
  16. Bang a few pics of her work on a few Reddit groups, and show her the response- they love stuff like this. Seeing positive reaction might make her realise she can actually make some coin from it? ( It’s very good, btw. )
  17. Have you been on the HRT- you’re like a new woman! ( that, or your carer has hacked your account).
  18. Dunnes in Ennis have run out of ladies underwear, according to Todd Unctious.
  19. “ I don’t read books”
  20. I mean, if you really want pics of my starfish, I’ll send them in a PM, your 5 minute opt-out countdown starts now.
  21. She mentions the Executive Order he brought in to stop Lefties and Black people peacefully protesting his cuntery, which, ironically, could be the very legislation used to charge him. b) It is the policy of the United States to prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law, and as appropriate, any person or any entity that participates in efforts to incite violence or other illegal activity in connection with the riots and acts of vandalism described in section 1 of this order. The language used in it is shocking for an official document mind. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-protecting-american-monuments-memorials-statues-combating-recent-criminal-violence/
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