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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Billy Graham’s snake-oil son has compared Trump to Jesus. Of all the tweets in response, this one tickled me.
  2. I wonder what Cameron thinks of it all- his party is more unified than it’s been in ages, (which was the original point behind the whole shitshow), albeit unified behind a set incompetent fascist psychopaths. I wonder if he even thinks of it, even though he’s responsible for it.
  3. Don't Forget the Driver is another Toby Jones show that’s worth a watch, btw. It’s a bit more bleak than Detectorists, but good stuff.
  4. What a cunt she is. The “deterrent” argument is demonstrably false too. https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/centres-institutes/centre-criminology/blog/2015/04/theres-no-evidence-death-penalty-acts-deterrent You’d hope a Home Secretary would know this.
  5. Detectorists- written by and starring Mackenzie Crook with Toby Jones. Very funny, the fact our very own Bunter is/was one adds to the comedy
  6. I honestly don’t see how anyone can watch how close it’s now becoming evident America came to having armed terrorists wipe out their politicians and not think it could happen here. Maybe not straight away, but, once the economy fully collapses, a lot of people are going to be very angry with a lot of others. Who, let’s say 6 months ago, would’ve genuinely predicted the events in DC happening? Rise up Lads
  7. We’ve all been agog at ‘Murica the past few months, but we’re no better- we’re being royally shafted in plain sight by the ruling elite and they’ve got dumb fucks convinced it’s a good thing and lapping it up. Anyone fancy storming Parliament? ( masks on, naturally 😉 ).
  8. Ah well, just have to have them disappeared then.
  9. If his offspring are convicted of felony charges, doesn’t that also prevent them from running for/holding public office? Jnr is certainly as guilty as his father of incitement.
  10. Have you been living under a rock recently?
  11. Have some compassion… …they’ll be grieving because their owners are suddenly 50% less cuntish. Media billionaire David Barclay dies, aged 86 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55643249
  12. I’m surprised it wasn’t a Tactical-Camo version with that little weasel.
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