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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. This is the point in the game when we look to the bench and bring on fresh legs in the areas of weakness.
  2. Not your first rodeo with a European Bear, then?
  3. Not as many as you’d think- most of Western and Northern Europe is pretty safe from the above, but the Eastern Mediterranean is seismically active ( see the recent earthquakes in Italy, Greece etc, also Etna, Stromboli, Vesuvius in Italy). Eastern Europe (and Spain) have wolves and bears. Central Asia is prone to earthquakes. North Africa is fairly stable geologically and meteorologically, and doesn’t have that many deadly animals any more, so I’d count them as safe ( you didn’t say political, because by that metric they’re currently fucked). The rest of Africa is out due to one or more of your criteria. South America is out, as is North America. Australia isn’t seismically dangerous, but gets some deadly weather and most of its animals want you dead, so it’s out. NZ is one of the most seismically active countries on the planet, along with Japan. China has the mad weather, Tigers in India, Bangladesh is flood central, Pakistan loves a good earthquake. Russia has Polar Bears, Iceland keeps exploding.… … Mongolia seems pretty safe, but unless you like Yaks you’d be bored shitless. edit; Mongolia had an 8.2 earthquake in 1905 and is classed as high risk for another, so Yak milk is off the menu too.
  4. Another major 7.2 earthquake has hit Haiti. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-58215631
  5. I went once and the beer is served in glasses.
  6. Tbf, both are true if that’s the case.
  7. Strap the metector to your leg then walk around stiff-legged like you’ve shit yourself. You’ll find your rusty spoons and no one will come near you, giving you the peace you crave. 👍
  8. The course of the Wall through what’s now the city centre is still not 100% known. I remember watching a dig on Clavering Place behind the Turnbull Building, and they were fizzing at the slit because they found two stone coffins, and, equally important to them, a section of road and civilian building, which indicated the wall ran north of the site. edit; They dug up a bit of the actual wall just outside the entrance of the Mining Institute recently.
  9. Have you tried Free Jumping, Bunter? It’s like Base Jumping but without the expensive training and equipment- Malham Cove is a popular beginners spot, as is the Tyne Bridge. It also tends to be a short-lived hobby so it’ll suit you down to the ground, literally.
  10. Bit of both I think- basically add Gin, plums, and sugar and leave it til Christmas. Yes, flavoured gin, but also fermented. Plum impasse.
  11. Sorry, sorry, wrong Russell… Sorted. Happy now , Kia Ora Keith?
  12. Multiple fatalities according to the Beeb. Not a terrorist incident according to Police ( i.e. a white bloke) so I’d expect Yaxley-Lennon to crawl back in to his sewer.
  13. Anyone ever made, or had, plum gin? Just plucked a shitload of plums with the neighbour’s from their tree, with all the double entendres that entails, and there’s no way they’ll all get eaten. Found a piss-easy method for plum gin, which would be ready for Christmas. This is the first batch, there’ll be another two, I reckon, over the next week as the rest of the tree ripens. ( wine bottle for scale).
  14. Me too… … no, on second thoughts, #I also signed.
  15. Cheshire- the only place in the UK where “going in the tradesmens entrance” actually means a door for the builders.
  16. You’ve blown your cover there, Anal Oliver.
  17. I know it’s another “Doomsday Meteor” article, but this one goes in to quite some detail about how they’ve studied Bennu, and even gives a most likely date for impact.… “the afternoon of September 24, 2182. On that Tuesday, Bennu has about a 1-in-2,700 chance of hitting Earth.” https://apple.news/AoFsUWdrBT46GCTK23eEcRw
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