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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Figured we might as well fill a new thread with hate Would I be correct in putting Keane at No.1 then? If we get a decent list of cunts, I’ll put a poll on and we can vote on it. Edit; managed to figure out the poll business, I’ll add anyone mentioned more than once to the arbitrary list of cunts I’ve started with. Edit 2: Pick 10 …. Fuck me, I’m ballsing this up like a proper cunt
  2. Tough one that, for me. He’s undoubtedly a fully paid-up member of the cunt club, but he was also party to some great moments in our history ( yes Feyenoord, I’m talking about when we possed you). He’d probably scrape in at 9 or 10, but I’m sure there’s 10 more cuntish PL players we could pick.… …Thomas Gravesen being next in my personal cunt list. ( His entire career was built on cuntishness, but his cunt tackle on Bernard, when we could’ve stormed up the league under Sir Bobby, guarantees his place directly under Keane for me.).
  3. I was genuinely torn between putting him at No. 2 or Wanks His Dags again, but Savage is such a cunt that even putting him in the top 10 of this paltry list would be giving him too much recognition.
  4. So, for the inaugural Toontastic Premier League Hall of Cunts, I’d like to open nominations for the prestigious first two places. My nominations are; 1.Roy Keane 2.Roy Keane.
  5. Let’s be honest, them not even getting to the play-offs would do that, and be way funnier.
  6. Do it yourself, you lazy shite. https://www.bookemon.com/create-book
  7. Anyone know any socially distanced parking spots around Wembley?
  8. The thing above her sister’s head is also a cosmetic surgery advert.
  9. He’s determined to blow something, definitely. #jizzbeard #heronfoods #hotspermgargle
  10. This doesn’t exactly fit with your “angry punk socialist” persona, now, does it?
  11. Allow me to jog your mammaries… Clearly NSFW, but can I fuck find the spoiler tags on mobile.
  12. If you’re bored, spend 5 minutes looking at his trail of failure on the Companies House site. The only non-dissolved business he’s actually a part of is Wolf Jerky, and he doesn’t actually own it- two brothers from Cheltenham do. He’s listed as “Sales Director”, with under a third of the company shares.
  13. You just know his Mam has “The Special Things” cupboard where he keeps his drawings of aliens, these two prop cans, the world’s only actaul packet of Wolf Jerky, and the dried remains of his parasitic twin. He’s allowed to play with The Things once a week, which is when his tweet flurrys come out. #notapsycho #heronfoods #EdwardandTubbs
  14. Makes you wonder what’s in the Wolf Jerky. #basementlife #winnitthair #heronfoods #actualshite
  15. Shame he didn’t wipe the coffee-mug rings off his Mam’s kitchen bench before he took it, though. #bullspiss #manky #standsoutsideshops #heronfoods
  16. You sure it wasn’t @Kevin Carr's Gloves?
  17. #ukbusiness #lampshades #livewithmymam #heronfoods #breathlikeatrampsarse
  18. Not been in there in ages, not sampled their meat-wrapped ova, but the Cumby’s would convert vegans back to the delights of flesh.
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