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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. That’s just blatantly disrespectful to Steve Bruce.
  2. Because it’s been used historically in a racist and derogatory way.
  3. He’s trying to work out what is a decent enough length of time between stopping being a Man Utd. fan and becoming a Newcastle Utd. fan.
  4. Would you call a Chinese person a chinkie to their face? No, because it’s a derogatory term, as is the example you quoted above.
  5. The use of it is derogatory in itself. Just say Chinese. And Stevie was Bernard Manning levels of racist, amongst his other delightful traits.
  6. Punctuation could take this comment in a number of directions
  7. I went to Ireland for a stag do for an Irish mate, Fri-Sun. We all somehow made it to breakfast in the hotel on Saturday morning, full fry-ups all round, and I’m thinking “ If I can keep this down I’ll be good to go the day” Then the best man ordered 12 pints of Guinness to go with brekkie.
  8. Unlike RobinRobin, wor Ken occasionally strayed in to shit cunt territory. Shiraz- not even once.
  9. Noelie didn’t get banned btw, a post of his removed and he flounced.
  10. This has a few choice quotes, and also this gem in review - “They weren’t so much ghostwritten as written by seance.” https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.the42.ie/steve-bruce-novel-5510816-Aug2021/%3Famp%3D1
  11. Isn’t he banned from Twitter? Him and his Irish compadre went full bigot iirc.
  12. Toughguy Mick Bizarrely obsessed with Cheryl Tweedy getting bucked by a variety of black singers, and gangster movies. Remember that fucking idiot who came on giving it big licks, then when Ant outed him as a Lib Dem councillor or some such he buckled like a bitch?
  13. I’m surprised we haven’t had an influx of West Midlands-based racist Brexit fuckers since the takeover mind- they do seem to like it here
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