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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. You know that’d end up with Noel fucking Fielding finger-blasting Mary Berry whilst the scouse cunt had a whitey in the corner. Maybe.
  2. I know Gullitt said it, and I know Mclaren’s not Dutch. Don’t care.
  3. That’s because they’re baked off their tits.
  4. Wasn’t he the same lad that played Blitzkrieg Bop just before Oh Fortuna? Then they replaced him with some muppet from Metro or something?
  5. “Did you hate Local Hero when we were shit?” is how we’ll identify Johnny-come-latelys from now on.
  6. I think the only original member still flogging it to death is the bassist, and we all know bassists aren’t proper musicians ( even though he wrote the song above).
  7. I’ve still got a chub-on. (Dropped a bit during the Spurs game)
  8. I’ve always thought this would be better. Local band, the lyrics sort of fit, mentions the Corner Can someone start a campaign, I just can’t be arsed.
  9. I just don’t get the connection- It’s from a film about a Yank buying land in a Scottish village, then changing his mind. Newcastle connection- the bloke who composed it was born here? Fuck off
  10. I reckon we should use the actual line from the show to come out of the tunnel to, instead of that fucking dirge by Knopfler
  11. “ Rah Rah Rah, we’re going to bash the Oiks!” That should be our new chant, tbh.
  12. That’s one of the best episodes. Emma Thompson- “ I’ve got a Porsche!”
  13. Let him pay the translator then. 😉
  14. Have you been on the Essembee Ale? Mind you, Scholes not only has a Boldon Mushroom, but he’s got terrible taste in jackets …
  15. Just don’t think of the words “Boldon” and “Mushroom” as well. It’ll ruin your weekend.
  16. The Three P’s… preparation and planning prevents piss-poor posting. Shit, that’s 6. Fuck it.
  17. And so you made sure we all were “reminded” Shit cunt
  18. And everyone thought his pudgy little cock falling out on the pitch was his most embarrassing moment.
  19. That’s because if you give them any grief they’ll karate-chop you.
  20. Are they saying “ He sucks his daughter’s toes?” And how do we know it’s factual? Edit; never mind, Googled.
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