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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. What do you call an Indian hooker? Balsdeep ( I’ll get me coat).
  2. Probably aye. Fit as a fucking lop, mad as a bucket of frogs.
  3. Didn’t he get done for selling snide sportswear at Blaydon Rugby car boot?
  4. For a cock to be soft, you need to have one. Rules out Bunter.
  5. Eating a Walrus in one would be considerably worse. ( also, noisy kids are fine, it’s when the little shits go quiet that you need to worry).
  6. Aye, but you’ll need to let Dave from India have access to your pc to update the settings.
  7. Remember that soft-cock Brexit nonce that posted on here a while back?
  8. I’m not surprised she forgot her dress, poor lass looks half-asleep. That tattoo looks like she needs her rat trimmed…
  9. Which Grumble sites should I avoid to protect my delicate sensibilities?
  10. You got me. A Priest, an Imam and a Rabbit walk in to a bar and the Rabbit says, “I think I’m a typo”.
  11. I love breathy French lasses singing - this being a perfect example- always guaranteed trouser commotions. Watched the vid above, waited, thought “when’s the breathy French bint coming in?”, looked at the time elapsed and released it was an instrumental
  12. He looks less of a cunt with the full beard, tbh. ( yes… I know it’s actor, author and gangster bummer, Mr. Wraith).
  13. Yaxley-Lennon’s new flat mate?
  14. Get out of here with your facts and actual grip on reality.
  15. “ Mam, there’s a fat Mackem over there on his back, should I flip him over!” ” Look at the nice helicopter son, LOOK AT THE HELICOPTER!” CT, as the darkness descends and his breathing slows… ” B… A… U…”
  16. Lads, lads, Bandidas is what you want. Then Americano.
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