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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Ken? That would be something Players-“What shape are we playing boss?” Ken- ” Fuggen Shiraz, cunts”
  2. Looked lively to me… well, alive, which is always a bonus.
  3. Best buddies tbh. Was always going to happen- he fucking loves me and goes batshit whenever I come home. I usually piss myself and start chewing the furniture.
  4. I’m going to save a load of bits up and make a Manbearpig for him.
  5. If it’s similar to the sound when he demolished the pigs ear I’ll give it a miss Mrs. F. brought him this eldritch horror… Still no idea, etc etc.
  6. I gave Dweezil a pigs ear last night to distract him- seemed to work. * the pig wasn’t too happy like.
  7. The Baseball Furies were mint… at everything except actually fighting
  8. Tbf I’d rather watch us win 4-3 than 1-0.
  9. “The 25-year-old was jailed two years ago for posting a picture on social media of himself shirtless and wearing leopard-print shorts.” In fairness to the Saudis, that is fucking criminal
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