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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Hope she didn’t interview herself- it’ll be 2050 before she starts.
  2. Can’t see it happening under our present overlords- way too pc.
  3. “ It’s ok pet, I just don’t like your face”.
  4. Surely they wouldn’t do that- isn’t that cartel-type behaviour, and we know the PL wouldn’t entertain that.… … any word on new sponsors btw?
  5. I think we’ll see daft pricetags on any player we show interest in during the Jan,( and every subsequent) window, especially if they’re at a PL club.
  6. I’d be happy to see Diamond Dave in any role at the club.
  7. I see your point, but I’d rather avoid it at all costs.
  8. Only one man for that job. Dreamy
  9. It seems they were lining up to be shown an Illuminati pyramid on the top of the Book Depository. By a man with a parrot on his shoulder.
  10. He was sitting behind Howe and Stavely for the match- how the fuck did he get lost?
  11. My god but the Inherently Moral Stokoeshop was fun.
  12. Not as long as the day Alwaleed_Saudi is about to have.
  13. Call 999 and ask for the Police. Reported myself.
  14. So… is actor, author and supafan Mr. Steven Wraith not at the Match then?
  15. @Christmas Tree , can you send Denise Squelch’s address to Mackem 35 please. * we know you’ve got it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/man-admits-stalking-loose-women-21691494.amp
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