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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. ‘’he had no legal duty to tell the whole truth to the Taylor inquiry. Arguing that the legal duty could be the court’s only consideration, Goldberg said: “This court is not a court of morals. This court is not a court of common decency.” Fucking shameful
  2. Does “your mate” also have numerous robotic household appliances?
  3. Rise up then! Throw off the yolk of oppression. Don’t just wing about it.
  4. I reckon he’s being anally probed, on his way to the Andromeda Galaxy, as we speak. The man knew too much.
  5. Aye, this was so obvious, wasn’t it? The fact Bruce stuck around means one of two things, neither of which precludes the other from being true. 1- He’s thick as mince and didn’t realise. 2- He’s a little bitch and took the slight on his character, along with his wages.
  6. What do we think about Jones as our next gaffer? The Cabbage is contracted until 2022, and will he fuck go before then, which means we will likely be relegated. Assuming Jones is still with us, which is far from guaranteed, when the Calorie Sack is finally peddled, he ticks all boxes for Ashley. • Cheap • Cheap • Cheap • Knows the club and all the bullshit that he’ll have to work under. • Half decent coach. • Cheap
  7. Except his daughter, who likes a bit rough apparently. *cough…Darren Bent…cough…Lee Hendrie…cough
  8. Have you lot got nowt better to do? Instead of swanning about on here, flamin' go back to graft. Unless you’re driving home, in which case be careful - it’s th’ rush hour. Ostrich.
  9. I thought that was an eggcellent pun- cracking, in fact. We’re only avian a bit of a laugh.
  10. They’re allowed to travel in and out for work.
  11. Not exactly Derren Brown though, is he? Any NUFC supporter who hasn’t been in a coma for the last ten years knows what’ll happen next year. If you swap the names in his post for anyone from our large roster of shite from past seasons, including the manager, it’s the same old same old.
  12. I see t00nraider2 has been writing to Viz…
  13. Opportunity missed- see me after class.
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