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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. “ It’s never happened before, honest” Low T rope pusher.
  2. Being higher T, I question your need for Kamagra to prop up your flaccid meat. Bitch.
  3. The husband of one of Mrs.F’s work colleagues is about to appear on “Farage at Large” on GB news, live from sunderland. It’s every bit as terrible as you’d expect it to be. I’ve lasted 2 minutes before I’ve fucked it off, which I’m quite impressed with tbh.
  4. Ladies, ladies, can we all just take a few pills and slaver over our chest?
  5. Looks like he’s eaten Kim Jong Un.
  6. Brucey- “ Ahhh, well lads, we’re going out for a team meal tonight- Lau’s Buffet King! All you can eat Rinky-dinks… go easy on the lagers but, training is cancelled the morrow.”
  7. When I was offshore one trip I got an abscess in the roof of my mouth- felt like a fucking golf ball and was agonising. My options were to get medi-vacced off ( which would have been a black mark against future work) or keep schtum and grin and bear it. One of the lads gave me a painkiller called Naproxen, which was fucking incredible. Within half an hour I was right as rain, having been fucking zombied by the pain until then. So, get some Naproxen down you. Edit; Once I was drugged up, I “sterilised” a sewing needle and did a bit of Bob Mortimer self-dentistry on the abscess. There is not enough mouthwash in the universe to wash away the taste after I’d drained it
  8. Hitzfeld being interviewed for DoF role according to this. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/nov/10/hitzfeld-to-Newcastle
  9. Aye, lovely pair of personalities.
  10. Whereas our previous incumbent stayed in Cheshire. Loved the club though.
  11. They should start a chant… “Woo-ooah Bill Gregg’s burning a bit. “ or something. ( There’s nothing quite like the sound of 25 fans singing their heart out).
  12. This is a bit mental. Aminata Diallo: Paris St-Germain player arrested as part of investigation into attack on team-mates https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59236410
  13. He fucked it off and went metecting.
  14. Fucks sake, I nearly spat my chia seed and pomegranate salad out- he’s from Blyth.
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