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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aye, but part of the deal is that this right-wing loon gets first dibs at being PM, and then, of course, he’ll willingly hand over power to the left.
  2. This description of the Dwarf Porridge Wog is pretty much on the button. “There are many traditional stories around about the tight fisted nature of Porridge Wogs however I have never met one that is over 5 feet 6 tall who is anything other than generous to a fault. However, I have yet to meet one under 5 feet 6 tall who would buy a drink for anyone. This strange breed of Dwarf Porridge Wog has an amazing sense of balance due to the possession of a chip on each shoulder. Whilst the common or garden full size Porridge Wog is an open minded life and soul of the party the Dwarf Porridge Wog never tires of telling you how great Scotchland is yet he never has the decency to bugger off back there and leave us all in peace.”
  3. I’m neither an expert in mental health or sports media, but couldn’t they have given her a list of questions and let her record her answers to be broadcast later? It’d remove the pressure on her of being “live”, but give the media the footage they’re after.
  4. My great grandad was a porridge wog- and I can do a passable Sean Connery accent. Can I be John McCarver?
  5. “ A lot of stupid people will be killed off” Yep.
  6. Met a bloke with no shins at the bar last night. Tony.
  7. Looks like their newly decorated No.10 gaff.
  8. 👍 My bad, didn’t even realise The KF’s had a gaff next to the “Fuck your and yer Pope” crowd, nor that Johnson was a left footer.
  9. I don’t think Westminster Abbey belongs to that particular flavour of lunacy. It’s Sky Fairy of England.
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57293882 “The tendering process for its design and construction will begin soon - with an emphasis on utilising British design expertise and the latest green technology. Downing Street said costs for the "construction and operation" of the ship would be confirmed after the tendering process concluded.” Didn’t realise Hancock’s sister owned a shipbuilding company… yet.
  11. That’s the big concern here- if it is true, how does the world, and China, respond? You can absolutely bet it won’t be the right way.
  12. Friday Night Dinner - 10th Anniversary show… … bit dusty in my front room.
  13. His Right Honourable “Member” must be like a fucking elephant’s leg, because I’m struggling to think of any other attribute he has which gets him laid.
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