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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aye, which is about the higher end of stadium bait
  2. Chess champions was the last page wasn’t it?
  3. I can’t see anything but an absolute arseburner for Southampton. 5-0. Hattrick from Anderson, two each from Dummet and Ritchie.
  4. Tbf, they do look pretty good for football ground bait. 3.5/10.
  5. He took the future Mrs. Renton to the cinema on their first date. To see Nil By Mouth.
  6. Definitely… … speaking of which Want some crutches for that broken leg?
  7. Aye, but, a thread about him? On here?
  8. Aye, Doctor in the same way I’d be a Doctor if I sent cash to some online “university” like she did.
  9. It’s actually more like doing a Covid test on your shite Wipe a swab on a freshly laid cable, pop it in a sample pot and mail it back to the Shit Professors. What was the name of that absolute fucking charlatan who made a living out of poking people’s shite on TV?
  10. Interesting little note here- The whole myth of lemmings jumping off cliffs en masse was entirely made -up by Disney, who featured it in one of their nature movies in the 50s/60s, which is where the gif is taken from. They had film crew pushing and throwing the poor little furry fuckers off the cliff. If you look at the two that go above, particularly the second one, with this in mind, it’s so obvious they’ve been shoved over
  11. It’s a euphemism for When I had a business that was chiefly contracting rope access jobs.
  12. Me too. I have that joyful experience to look forward to when I get home
  13. I’ve stayed in Brizzle a few times when I had my rope access business. Of all the other cities in the UK, it struck me as having a very similar vibe to Newcastle- might have been the area we were staying - Clifton, which has similar architecture, as did the part of the city we frequented, more likely was that both areas were also stowed out with top-notch blart.
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