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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I wouldn’t leave this gibbering tit in charge of a rock.
  2. Well well. When can expect the call to meet in private with the 18 other clubs, barring Rapechester United, to decide how to illegally punish them?
  3. I must have missed that- shame, it sounds like it would’ve been riveting.
  4. Having money is no indication of taste or talent. We’ve just got rid of 14 years proof of it.
  5. Apparently the current wife won’t, hence his “buyers remorse”. As to blackmail, surely that plays upon the victim wishing to avoid shame, so it simply won’t work on Johnson.
  6. If you’re posting Mr. Bawitdaba, what other choice do you have?
  7. What’s triggered this latest bout of Little Bitch mode, then Quiff? Has your ex upped the price on her OnlyFans or something?
  8. Best just leaving it on the luggage rack and walking away. 😉
  9. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/solskjaer-interview-man-united-sacked-22231842.amp Have a bit of self-respect man, they’ve just fucking peddled you. Lower t than Quiff, tbh.
  10. Looking good there Quiff… ( 10 points if you get it)
  11. He’s opened The packet then, I wonder what the special occasion was?
  12. Waukesha: Fatalities after car ploughs into Wisconsin parade https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59369492 They’re fucking insane.
  13. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than seeing Steeeevie Geeee take the Beige down. “ Who’s yam yam next Messiah?”
  14. Any ideas? Looks like shit crackling, but there’s no pork in the pile. Might be some beard crust that fell on his dinner?
  15. Two gravy jugs, though - one for the meat, one for his beard.
  16. It’s the fire blanket they used to put out the furnace they cremated the chicken in.
  17. #axe #shed #leginjury #combover #onlyonejacket
  18. *guest. #thesinglelife #mamsbasement #heronfoods
  19. Billy getting some practise in before his next upskirt run. ( in the seconds section of IKEA by the looks of it )
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