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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Fucking excellent goal that mind.
  2. This hasn’t yet descended in to the Greg Louganis fest we’d expected.
  3. I’m really hoping Italy nick a sneaky 1-0 here, because, assuming we win tomorrow, we’d fucking paste them.
  4. Chiellini totally looks like the head waiter at the local pizza joint with a sinister interest in slightly-too-young lasses. Canny player though…
  5. Nice to see Simon having a “Pickford”
  6. After the first few minutes Spain have pretty much ran the game. I’d still fancy us over them, mind.
  7. OMD have a lot to answer for.
  8. If you’re counting me as Nev or Dennis you can fuck your pint.
  9. Ffs man, saw this in the “unread” notifications without the video attachment. Thought some Scouse Mackem had gone mental
  10. A news channel using actors* in interviews? Tsk, tsk, * (also author, professional hardman, gangster dildo)
  11. Knight Ryder- “ So, if I want to become 2014 Trinity Mirror Group Regional Sports Writer of the Year, I just sign here in blood, aye?” Lucifer- “ Aye” Knight Ryder- “ What’s the catch?” Lucifer- “ You’ll gradually turn in to a sentient red-skin potato…”
  12. Someone needs to put the opening theme from The Professionals over the clip.
  13. He wishes his hands were this big.
  14. Failing to do doughnuts outside a closed Silverstone is on a par with Uncal Mick “raiding” SJP at 3am with the communal trainers. #dadwantshiscarback
  15. What if we hold Meenzer against you?
  16. Typical Friday in the Bigg Market tbh.
  17. How has it ignited? I’m guessing the fire is inside the pipeline, otherwise I’m a bit puzzled.
  18. That’s too bad to even qualify for “so bad it’s good”. 10/10
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