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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. @ ciaomanheyman, there’s a gif for every situation… … you just can’t post the fucker. Salt… wound… etc.
  2. As a bidet-gun owner, I can only hope you get with the program and clean your hoop properly whilst also viewing this delightful corner of t’interweb as it should be- in Black and White. TLDR; Ligma Baaalllz
  3. So, I’m sure you lads have been waiting with baited breath for an update on Fist Jnr’s progress twiddling strings. He’s now nailed the Seven Nation Army that he asked his teacher about, but, more importantly (to me, anyway) he’s been discovering guitar bands of his own accord. I had a chat with him the other day and he showed me bands he’s found that he likes - Hendrix, Nirvana, Stevie Ray ( via Hendrix), The Stooges, and Nick Cave. He’s 11. I nearly wept with pride
  4. Join my MySpace page and I’ll explain the internet to you.
  5. I think he’s saying you and he are in the same club, mate.
  6. Seriously? You’ve been on here at least as long as me. ( I don’t know why I’m surprised tbh).
  7. Also @thebrokendoll, when you type your reply, look for the smiley in the options at the top, clicking on it brings up quite a few.
  8. @Tom, do you know who Mr. Logic’d Mr Logic? Hmmmm?
  9. Belta Minge is a safe haven in times of distress. Unless you’re Paul Wynn…
  10. I’d hit the spam button in a second, but I got told off for threatening to do so hours after this fuckwit started. And I’m such a good boy…
  11. Fan held over alleged racism at Shrewsbury v Sunderland match https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-shropshire-59398779 Classy. edit; seems it’s not the first recently either… https://safc.com/news/club-news/2021/november/club-statement-nov-24-2021?fbclid=IwAR0xXEaScUIE1C1lpdvLdDejHdKSxlqCeQ3N3dcAudGwEqtskFr5NH-K_9M “Similar incidents involving discriminatory behaviour have been reported to SAFC in recent weeks and we encourage all supporters to continue playing their part by reporting them to a matchday steward, the police or online via the Kick It Out reporting app.”
  12. Porridge Government help to spread Scottish Beavers. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-59403784
  13. Mr. Zappa describes sexy time with a girl with thrush as “like punching an eclair” in one of his songs … …which sounds way more fun than reading a Clarko post.
  14. Jonjo showing how he convinced Ashley and Bruce to extend his contract.
  15. We’ve had our fair share of trolls on here, they’re all transparent as fuck,( and we had this one sussed within hours), and all follow a very similar pattern; post, engage, fight. Most fuck off within 24hrs, but the ones that don’t go within that time tend not to go, until they’re “helped on their way”. Some are funny, some are sad, this bloke is just an online kidney stone.
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