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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Both my kids have been isolating this week, the eldest missed out on birthday celebrations because of it. Her school have closed down her entire year group due to positive pupil cases and staff absences. Same with the youngest. It’s fucking rife, but let’s crack and get Covid done, eh Johnson? How the fuck did this bellend get anywhere near a position of power in the first place?
  2. Aye, usually by now one of the tabloid shitrags has “exposed” some mildly dodgy behaviour by a player, or made up some nonsense. This lot seem to be keeping their noses clean, but there’s still time for the Daily Hate to claim Southgate bummed his neighbours pet geese or whatever.
  3. Remember lads, you heard it here constantly.
  4. She’s creepy and she’s cooky She’s altogether spooky… But who the fuck is that?
  5. Here come the Porridge… … eaters.
  6. I hope we dive and cheat our way to victory then order the worst pizza in London to be delivered to Italy’s dressing room afterwards. There.
  7. I think the whiners on here were watching a different game to me- so for clarity, here’s Kane’s pelanty , IN SLOW MOTION! Suck it.
  8. See Renty Baby, it’s not that hard!
  9. We won. Get over it. 😉
  10. Matterface has totally lost it.
  11. Pickford hands on his latest cumbucket
  12. “You’m jowking Boss?”
  13. Need to keep possession and make Denmark run themselves out now.
  14. Aye, it’s not like a sniper took him out Enjoy it lads.
  15. Here comes the cavalry… MKII
  16. Used all their subs too- here comes the cavalry!!!
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