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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. They’re just pissed off that their junior billionaire owner hasn’t spaffed his entire fortune on 15 managers and a squad full of disappointment yet.
  2. Been up to Alnwick earlier and currently in Morpeth. I’ve never seen so many trees down on the side of the A1, Alnwick is like Isengard after The Ents fucked it’s shit up. Morpeth can fuck off though, they’re so far up themselves they can do their own dentistry.
  3. Clarko followed WUM pattern II to the absolute letter with this send off.
  4. Because it’s all a lie and you were right all along. There.
  5. I just realised watching it that Alan Hull’s mate, Terry Morgan, was my window cleaner. Put that in your pipe, anyone who likes famous people.
  6. If Tindall can get hammered during a press conference, I’m sure you can get yourself wobbly before the game
  7. That implies Bruce actually did the bare minimum, though.
  8. Article on the BBC about why migrants want to come to UK https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-53699511
  9. Speaking of dog eggs, this tickled me. Removed now, but that’s one for the swear box
  10. That’s because he’s been told he can’t hit the women. 😉
  11. Batten down the hatches lads, it’s going to get wild soon. 70-90mph winds forecast. Storm Arwen approaches, which, let’s face it, is the closest any of us will come to getting blown by Liv Tyler.
  12. Billy’s out in the countryside #farming #someplants #guesswhereimkippingtonight
  13. It’s like Heron Foods Chas and Dave #rabbitrabbitwolfjerky #notavailableanywhere #cockerneesparrow
  14. If you pause it at 1:29, you can just make out Adam Pearson tearing the neck off it in the bushes at the back.
  15. Lads, it’s Thanta, remember?
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