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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Are you anywhere near the flooded areas mate? Hope you and yours are all ok. šŸ‘
  2. Renton wakes up and saunters out to the verandah of his favourite lodge for a leisurely breakfast, spots a group of ā€œfucking tourists!ā€ a mile away approaching Renton Towers ā€¦
  3. The one with Gary Oldman as Sid? Ive seen it, ages ago, but have no memory of it good or bad. Hope that helps
  4. Just been and got some Almasty and Full Circle cans for this eveningā€™s BBQ chez Fist. oops
  5. Heā€™s certainly that. šŸ˜‰
  6. Canny isnā€™t it? Bit cheeky price wise, but itā€™s literally on my doorstep so Iā€™ve no complaints.
  7. Careful on your pc- itā€™s loaded with viruses.
  8. Canā€™t delete it if I never had it.
  9. Thereā€™s a fatal flaw in your plan
  10. Renton letting his porn preferences slip out here ā€¦
  11. Both of Steve Cooganā€™s brothers are radio presentersā€¦ aha!
  12. Nice - just hoovered the fridge in double quick time.
  13. Itā€™s got me intrigued too Is it hot or cold? How fucking runny is this custard sheā€™s necking? Does she neck pints, like an angry docker, or have gentle sips from a wine glass? At what point does runny custard stop being custard and just become thick milk? Which poor bastard has to unclog her toilet?
  14. Thereā€™s a mental image I couldā€™ve done without. The addition of the word custard in the strapline turns this from your bog-standard celebrity bog roll fodder in to something David Lynch would base a film on.
  15. Looks like some swine has hacked Daveā€™s weblogvlogblog NewcastleNatter.co.uk
  16. Goodfella Dave ( Have you moved to Merseyside? )
  17. This is mint. Anyone here pay for their online Grot?
  18. So, I have a seat, but Iā€™m worried some random twat might nick it- do I? 1- Sit in the fucking thing, ending the problem 2- Leave my precious seat unattended, go down to the concourse, and kick some cunt in the head
  19. I feel a bit bad for all three of Gloria de Piero.
  20. Quiffā€™s ex loves a bit of BBC, according to xHamster.
  21. Err, no. Heā€™s from Consett- rural Mackem.
  22. I decorated my entire house to Shpongleā€™s entire discography. Made a shit job 100% more bearable.
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