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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. For what it’s worth, I absolutely believe every word Cummings says- it’s just that he’s such a venal little weasel, and clearly only doing it out of a “Spoilt Bastard from Viz” position that I find it difficult to get behind him. edit; If it’s this little shithouse that manages to bring Johnson down, fair play. He won’t though- the bloke sweats Teflon at the minute.
  2. Their respective cuntometers are cancelling each other out, aye.
  3. When my nippers were little we took them for a couple of nights in a “camping pod” - a fucking shed, near York, in June It was fucking Baltic - we were just a few miles north of the city, where they’re all rampant Tories and more inbred than the Hapsburgs, fuck all to do, pubs as welcoming as the Slaughtered Lamb, all in all a thoroughly shite few days, which the kids look back on with great fondness, the contrary little shites
  4. For the poor seagull’s sake I hope he’d washed his hands - we all know where they’ve been
  5. Let’s face it- there’s only one NUFC scribe with the street smarts to actually win a rap battle.
  6. @Renton How long did it take you to nip down to Cornwall from Splatterdale? Man 'beat seagull to death' on St Ives beach https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-57886909
  7. Everyone there looks like they’ve got a half-face belonging to someone else, except Joe Rogan’s dad on the left.
  8. He could sell another one of his Nazi- plundered paintings?
  9. Is that the same Ben Jacobs that got lamped by a Trump radgie?
  10. I wouldn’t mind if he actually did his best, even for that, but he just fucking turns up.
  11. The gems are always in the replies. Someone asked what she actually does…
  12. Also, can’t be arsed to wait for t00nraider2 to post his usual shite, so here it is in advance.
  13. Johnson levels of shithousing by the PL. Mind you, if the buyers hold their nerve ( and they do seem fairly determined), this could play well for us in the long run- they’ll be so fucked off with the PL that when they eventually do buy us, it’ll be “ Right, you cunts, we’re having this league in double quick time, and there’s fuck all you can do about it”. Wishful thinking at its most extreme, I know, but the alternative is just Villa levels of beige, for ever.
  14. You can strike me off the list, I was only back home for about 3 weeks in 94 and spent most of it blissed out on psychedelics and dope, cuddling twigs and gibbering.
  15. I’m surprised you’ve got any energy left
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