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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. And Low Gosforth, aka Longbenton Estate
  2. If it had a helipad on the roof you could fly in and out without ever actually setting foot in sunderland, but you’d still have the smell to deal with, and the burning shame whenever you had to give your address.
  3. It’s not mushroom season for a couple of months, for starters.
  4. Or if one person isn’t breathing… …anymore.
  5. I’ve just noticed CT’s ginger haired cheek/ear/scrotum poking in to frame in the top right.
  6. That’s the kind of answer I’d expect from a member of the Meterati…
  7. It’s the drummer from Blur.
  8. Wonder if I’ll be immune?
  9. They couldn’t find anywhere modern-looking for the photoshoot in sunderland so they had to go to Beamish.
  10. That’s how you start an Aussie Gang Bang.
  11. What I find funny about Smart Meters is that they only run off mains power- not that fucking smart, then.
  12. Merged, since, unlike the eponymous bandage merchant, we don’t do superfluous here.
  13. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c4gqr5lrpwxo Get ready for the Monkey Pox Lockdown shenanigans- let’s see if Labour are quicker off the mark than the previous money-grubbing death mongers.
  14. Reading this gave me Cancer
  15. According to the Daily Record article, they had a “proper sit-down meal”
  16. Pluto rising in Uranus?
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