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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Get in a canoe, you Tubby Tit- my hip is crumbling away so I’m out of the long walks until I get an update, but my brother and I are planning to do the Great Glen canoe trail (Fort William to Inverness) over 5 days next year with our sons. Hills, lochs, wild camping, fishing, pubs all whilst sat on your fat keister- it’s perfect for you. (If you sit up front you’ll go faster too, as your conehead is aerodynamic) Edit; it’s also a perfect opportunity to buy a shitload of kit you’ll never use, then sell a year later for a tidy loss 👍
  2. The bloke I mentioned above, Norman Croucher, had this to say, ”Obviously, keeping your feet warm is a problem in high altitude climbing — but only if you have feet. While companions war-dance to keep theirs from freezing, I can stand on ice for hours. Climbing high or in a bivouac, I'm always the joker who doesn't have cold feet.”
  3. Norman Croucher is the one who springs to mind for me, double amputee, climbed peaks all over the world ( not Everest though). Some lad… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Croucher ( I’d have changed my surname though )
  4. Renton doesn’t want Boldon chavs stinking up his Lake District on the cheap.
  5. And that’s why you got tied to a donkey cart.
  6. The partial remains of the lass from Durham who went missing in the Pyrenees have been found. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-58022860 Call me a cynic, but there’s definitely a rabbit off here, like.
  7. The fact he still holds the PL goal scoring record, by a considerable margin, says how much of a beast he was.
  8. Flares would like a word…
  9. He’s definitely “dropping the kids off at the pool”- water is totally flat, except for the turbulence directly below his second mouth.
  10. We now have the “biggest drinking manager in Europe”. Here he is buttering his cheeks after a night on the Amstel.
  11. “ Pimms-drinking Shithouse”
  12. * walks in to hostel after a 20 mile hike, spots CT firing up the portable microwave, turns around and walks 20 miles more to sleep in a bush.
  13. Didn’t Gazza live in one during his “ Roast Chicken and Fishing Rod” period?
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