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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Me too… … no, on second thoughts, #I also signed.
  2. Cheshire- the only place in the UK where “going in the tradesmens entrance” actually means a door for the builders.
  3. You’ve blown your cover there, Anal Oliver.
  4. I know it’s another “Doomsday Meteor” article, but this one goes in to quite some detail about how they’ve studied Bennu, and even gives a most likely date for impact.… “the afternoon of September 24, 2182. On that Tuesday, Bennu has about a 1-in-2,700 chance of hitting Earth.” https://apple.news/AoFsUWdrBT46GCTK23eEcRw
  5. Ooh, a bit of barely disguised racism from the Mackem…
  6. I thought the same at first, but he’d agreed a 50% pay cut with Barca, and was apparently willing to accept less again in order to stay, but Spanish wage laws prevented it. Still absolutely obscene the money he’s on, but he’s not to blame for that.
  7. Over it’s skin suit? ( It puts the lotion on it’s skin…)
  8. If you took this photo, removed everything but their faces, then flew over the Amazon and parachuted in to an uncontacted tribe’s village, showed them it and asked them what they were looking at, they’d say, ” Mackem skanks”.
  9. Esther Dingley: Missing hiker's boyfriend finds her body https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-58159591
  10. He just checked his roast chicken and it needed another 20 minutes.
  11. There’s definitely something in blue coat’s pocket, given how he’s waddling. It’s either a pound block of cheddar or he’s shit himself.
  12. Korfball- isn’t that just netball with added blokes?
  13. The Knight is definitely a man of letters… …” Letters have a large doner, extra meat, nee rabbit food, and divvent be shy with the chips either Stavros, lolz!”
  14. A new place you can’t buy Rich Energy canned piss has opened near my gaff. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/new-heron-foods-store-open-21164321.amp #business #toffee #ducks
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