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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. That’s not good to hear, presumably the same problem? Hope he makes a recovery, he can’t be in his forties yet?
  2. Pompt de pompt de dompt de free. Snappy band name, right there.
  3. “ It could also broaden the scope of the retaliatory measures to include other items, including lobsters, electric motors and orange juice.“ Well, bang goes my plans for microwaved Lobster a L’Orange.
  4. Since Steve Bronski died today, this counts as a cover, doesn’t it? ( And it’s arguably better than the original)
  5. What I find the funniest about this whole shitshow is that it will have been, undoubtedly, the shittest party in human history, and it’s possibly going to finish him. Can you imagine how shit the patter must’ve been at this (nonexistent) party?
  6. Hope they’re paying Allen Klein his royalties.…
  7. Probably not too bad since her tits were only a year old in the pic.…
  8. Saudi camel beauty pageant cracks down on cosmetic enhancements https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-59593001 No comment.
  9. Troops is going to shit bricks when he reads this at breakfast tomorrow.
  10. *Googles Oz and Shane Ramsey- Bah Gawd, you’re right!
  11. Loved that album- me and Mrs. Fist had just got together and it was one of our “ listen to with a spliff when we got home in the morning” regulars. Why the fuck did we have kids?
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