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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. If they’re patient we won’t need to worry about the PL at all. * organises mass meeting on day of the game… no one can find where it is.
  2. Nice. 👍 The Side still exists, btw, runs from the quayside up alongside the Blackgate.
  3. Obviously you’ll be using the hallmark to ensure it’s not over 300yrs old, and therefore “Treasure” ?
  4. I actually watched it all the way through. Not a bad effort from the living Meme.
  5. I loved him, but he was comedy Marmite. Here’s his moth joke, which gets me every time, even when I know it’s coming.
  6. Gloomy fighting on like a WW1 grunt in the face of overwhelming opposition here His point about balance does actually stand up, mostly. For every Kuenssberg, you have a Maitlis, and a Wark. What’s changed ( and I’m talking specifically about BBC News), as Alex pointed out, is that the upper editorial team are all rampant Tories. Thats just fact. The county is on the brink of being unable to provide the food and goods that any western society would expect as standard and we’re hearing about a fucking Llama being shot because it’s riddled with TB, or Kim fucking Kardashian turning up to some do in a burqa. I’d expect at the very least, that the National broadcast channel would ask, in the strongest possible way, why Brexit has led to Mr & Mrs Gammon not being able to buy their usual, regular supply of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Fresh Pastas, German lagers and that nice Côtes de Rhone that Muriel likes so much- you know, all that foreign muck they voted to not have access to…
  7. She was nice, but this was better…
  8. 1- Fart or belch? 2- What does the smaller troglodyte say?
  9. You see @Howmanheyman, you see how easy it is?
  10. The Free Trade is nice, doesn’t have a TV which will only make it better
  11. The email stated that he’ll have reached his “tariff” in Oct 2022. He was given life with a minimum of 15yrs- his tariff. He killed my brother on sept 26th 2007, but wasn’t sentenced until May 2008, and I’d always thought his time was from the day of sentence- they’ve clearly measured it from day of offence. I’ll be questioning that. As you say, I think we can put reasonable requests on his license conditions, I already know what I’ll be asking for- what I want to quiz Mrs. Parole on is his continued Cat B status. Everything I can find online indicates that a well-behaved, rehabbed lifer will be downgraded to C as a minimum at least a year or two before release, so I want to know why he’s still Cat B. This explains the differences between the different categories and if he’s still B after 14 years, then I have concerns. Ultimately, as I understand it, that means he’ll not be getting out in a year’s time, which is fine by me. I need to call Mrs. Parole tomorrow and clarify some shit. It’s just shit I could really do without, but I don’t really have a choice. Also, thanks @Howmanheyman for those lovely Latin jubblies. Really helped
  12. Bye the way lads, I know you’re all decent blokes, and I know this is an extremely awkward subject. So, don’t worry yourselves about replying or anything, I’m purely using this as an opportunity to vent shit that I want to say, and writing it out actually helps me quantify exactly what it is I want to say to Mrs. Parole. Having said that, Tits would help here’s the link- large, Latin and lovely thanks
  13. Cheers gents. As you say HMHM, the biggest thing ( other than just letting him fucking rot, which isn’t happening), is ensuring that my mother, who’s now on her 80s, doesn’t even need to think about the possibility of ever bumping in to her son’s murderer on the street. I think they’ll be on the same page on that score. A secondary concern is that, if he isn’t kept away from Newcastle, as opposed to just our little bit of it, then there’s a chance me or my older brother could bump in to him, even after my Mam has gone. God help him if that happens, and he wants to hope it’s me he meets and not my brother, as I won’t actually kill him … much. 😉 I think also, when it happened, and for a good while afterwards, it was pretty fucking raw- didn’t take much to remind us of it and set us away on a bit of a downer… that becomes less of a likelihood over time, and eventually the loss becomes manageable, but this has hit me like a sledgehammer, and brought everything back with the original rawness of when it first happened. Ultimately, I know that there’s not a lot I can do to stop him getting out, and, on a point of principle, if he’s truly rehabilitated, then I wouldn’t want to stop it. I just haven’t been given the info I want to justify it to myself… yet. ( As you can probably tell, I’m swinging from lefty forgiveness to pure hatred, and it’s doing me in a bit. I know that, given the info I want, I’ll probably be a good little lefty, but I fear that getting to that point will be a ballache of the highest order.).
  14. A bit fucked up tbh. I got an email from the Parole Board today informing me ( very sympathetically, it must be said), that my brother’s murderer is eligible for release in a year. That doesn’t mean he’ll be strolling out carefree a year from now, but he can apply and must be heard.) I think most of you would be very surprised to find out how little we, as the family of his victim, are entitled to know about his spell in Her Majesty’s holiday camp- I can’t even know where the fucker has spent his time. ( I realise why I can’t be told that, obvs, but it’s fucking infuriating). I’ve been told I can submit a Victim Statement to be read at any Parole hearings prior to his release, where requests from us will be considered- clearly, “ Keep the cunt locked up” won’t get very far, so I’m thinking of conditions we can request to his License. ( A lifer’s license means that whatever conditions are stipulated for his release, any breach will see him back inside). First and foremost, I don’t want the fucker anywhere near my mother, and then, I’d like the chance of me and my brother running in to him on a night out to be virtually zero, more for his benefit than anything else. I’m therefore going to request that he isn’t allowed within 20 miles of Newcastle city centre, which will mostly cover that. I have no idea, as yet, how likely this is to fruitful. My second request is going to be slightly more difficult, I think- I want to know if he’s ever expressed remorse. By that, I don’t mean self-pity at the result of his actions on his life, I mean whether he understands the massive affect his decisions made to my family? I haven’t yet replied to the email, because I want my reply to be balanced and well considered, which this post clearly isn’t 😄 ) but I also want information that I suspect they aren’t allowed to give me, as laid out above- has he been a “good” prisoner, where will he be living etc- whilst I understand privacy rights etc, I hope that they can answer at least some of my questions However, I think the person tasked with communicating with “the family”, via me, is possibly dropping hints- she made a point of stressing that he’s “still” a Category B prisoner. Some basic Google-Fu tells me that most lifers are downgraded to C or even D in the year or two leading up to their release. I’m not particularly au fait with the whole shebang, but I’m getting the impression he hasn’t been a model inmate. My best guess ( and it is a guess), is that he hasn’t, still, accepted his guilt- he, initially, tried to say that he’d acted in self defence ( after going to my brothers house, armed with a cleaver and 10inch chef knife, and all of my brother’s major injuries being indicative of an attack from behind), and he only eventually plead guilty after some bullshit negotiations, and being told he was going away for a very long time otherwise. Sorry- I’m ranting a bit here, I just want to make sure this cunt never impacts on our lives again, even in the most minuscule way. Otherwise I’ll fucking kill him 😉
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