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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Badge is like… NEWCASTLE B R O W N A L E
  2. Or, the 18 little bitches known as “The Cabal” said they’d withdraw their licences unless they dumped us?
  3. Aye, they had the shirt off me back.
  4. It must be nice having a flutter with no fear of being scalped…
  5. I’ll be sitting in a lovely bit of Bensham, after dropping Fist Jnr. at a Laserquest which is apparently on this street ( or handing him over to a trafficking ring, looks 50/50 tbh).
  6. @PaddockLad If your Brother doesn’t do the entire trip in Captain Chaos gear he’s letting the whole nation down.
  7. Maybe the knuckledraggers were right- some of us clearly are delewded, Marra.
  8. He hasn’t taken his Panama hat off for 10 years.
  9. I can see that being the way we go, taking the precedent set by Manchester United, so, noodle sponsor, tractor sponsor, third traffic bollard along from the Strawberry sponsor, etc etc.
  10. Mental isn’t it? It’s almost as if the “also rans” of the Premier League have forgotten about the Biiiig 6 wanting to fuck them all off and piss off to the European Super League mere months ago. This is no good for anyone except those who are already nuts deep in filthy money.
  11. Is explosive Diarrhoea a new symptom of Omicron?
  12. The referee’s a maverick! The referee’s a maverick !
  13. Neville Southall is an absolute legend of a bloke tbf. Have a look at the “personal life” section of his wiki page. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neville_Southall He’s the Anti-Owen
  14. Reminds me of watching Sir Bobby waxing lyrical about the quality of the wooden doors at SJP
  15. Mrs. F. works for a large housing group, named after a penguin, in Bampville. They were wfh for most of the last round of virus-based fun. Their big boss has said no-one can wfh this time, (ignoring govt. guidelines), as he reckons productivity will drop. Mrs.F. doesn’t produce anything in her role- she looks after 16-24yr old bamps who live alone. She can do all her “contact” work ( which, per bog boss’s instructions, is non-contact, and could be done virtually), in 2 days and wfh for 3 for admin..… which she did very well last time. Bloke is an absolute whopper, and if we end up lurgied over Christmas I’ve told her I’ll be having full-contact with him
  16. Wait until you hear where Gemmill lives…
  17. Take your period of self isolation as an opportunity to get some metecting done.
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