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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. What’s all this milk punnery about? I’ve not read the thread, tbh, just skimmed it.
  2. His new show is on ITV 12- Bargain Cunt.
  3. Also, my father’s maternal grandmother came from the same tiny North Welsh village that my mother’s maternal great x3 grandparents lived in. Whilst there’s a generation or two between them, it’s also likely that their families were known to each other.
  4. My brother and I did the ancestry thing a few years ago, which turned up some interesting little points- both of our parent’s grandparents lived within 100yds of each other for a while, and very likely knew each other, years before or parents were even a twinkling in their dads eyes. What makes it more unexpected is that my mother’s grandparents were both Cockneys, from Peckham and Tottenham.
  5. The latest sequel- Indiana Jones and the Quest for the Golden Tadpoles.
  6. I clicked on that fully expecting the full picture to be The Minger. Disappointed.
  7. I’d met your Mam, though…
  8. That’s both excellent and awful.
  9. R2D2 delivering a message to the Reform Alliance at Mos Clacton- “ Help us Obi Nige, you’re our only hope!”
  10. They’ve got a fucking cheek taking the mick out of anyone for their number of fingers mind.
  11. Ran in to a farmer the other day who was the world’s leading expert in breeding Old Spot Pigs. He was outstanding in his field
  12. Cheers Statto I was referring to the table in this tweet that @Howmanheyman posted in the mackem thread.
  13. Also, in a change from the norm… 5-0. Schar brace with two each from Minteh, Karius, and Sammy Ameobi. ASM on as a sub for 20 minutes, after the full time whistle.
  14. I wonder if this win will take them above Bangor City in that Table of Utter Irrelevance posted the other day?
  15. Oh man, the things I’d have done to her in her prime - would’ve wrecked her vocal cords, so lucky for her I was busy. 😉
  16. He fucking hates Trump with a passion, too
  17. Doesn’t really roll off the tongue though, does it? Whereas, Northborough…
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