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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. A 5 year, £500 million sponsorship deal with a new airline, for example?
  2. He’s busy taking Johnny Rotten to court.
  3. We certainly know money doesn’t matter to Gandaft, mind. #heronfoods #trampsnest. #getawash
  4. Took the laddie to see the new Bond. Lots of exactly what you expect from a Bond, loads of references to past movies, and interesting ending, which I’d post IF I COULD WORK OUT SPOILER FUCKING TAGS! Very long though.
  5. I hear they’re putting Colcannon on the specials board at the Diamond in Ponteland, to go with the mashed cabbage they’ll be sweeping up off the floor soon.
  6. I’d imagine the other 19 PL managers will be shitting it now, wondering who’s job he’s going to stroll in to.
  7. This made me think of someone’s guts falling out their arsehole, which, given the topic, is probably not too far from the truth. 🍅
  8. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/in-the-fullness-of-time-im-sure-well-be-the-most-liked-team-in-tye-north-east.1561737/ Rattled to fuck.
  9. Not grey, as you’d expect. It’s British Racing Green. And also eye-wateringly expensive.
  10. Bought some paint to shut Mrs. F. up, the name of which is “Wood-pigeon”. Anyone fancy a guess at what colour it is?
  11. Can’t do any worse than Bruce, I suppose
  12. We need someone who can unite the club and city, not bitch about Fat Janice filling her fucking maw with crisps and pie.
  13. Dear Derby fans. You’d rather go in to administration than let this cunt buy you. We know.
  14. As much I’d love him back , I agree that he’d be unlikely to break his contract, under normal circumstances. But, these aren’t normal circumstances. If they throw enough filthy lucre his way, or, more likely, convince him that this is his best chance to create a massive, unbelievable legacy, who knows? He’s not above making unexpected choices, otherwise we’d have never had him in the first place.
  15. We have almost unlimited funds. Given the previous statements from The Fragrant Ms. Stavely, I’d be amazed if they aren’t throwing everything at getting Rafa to come back. And I’d have no problem at all if he accepted the offer. They’re offering him what he tried to do whilst here, but with a previously unimaginable level of backing to actually see it through. Regardless of who they get ( temporarily or long-term), it’s absolutely imperative that Bruce is not in charge for the Tottenham game. Their first match as owners should be a raucous celebration- if the Lump is in the dugout, the crowd will inevitably give him dog’s abuse ( rightly so). Put Jones in temporary charge until they have their man. He’s got enough goodwill to avoid any backlash at the game, even if we lose, and it gives them a bit more time to get who they want. Bruce has to go before the next game- there is nothing to be gained by keeping him on.
  16. I honestly wasn’t sure so I just looked him up… … admitted to a care home with late stage dementia last month.
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