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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Sprouts, curried cauli, duck eggs, and beer. Aye,Rancid Christmas
  2. I’m in full-on prep mode now, most of the veg is done/prepped, Turkey is buttered and baconed ready to cook tomorrow morning, cracking on with roast cauli and spinach curry and lamb meatball and lentil currys for Boxing Day now. Dinner should take about 45 mins tomorrow to roast the spuds, parsnips, carrots and stuffing balls. Reheat the curry’s in the slow cookers and bang some rice in the rice cooker on Boxing Day- sorted! edit; Also making duck-egg scotch eggs for Boxing Day- 2 veggie, 6 black pudding, 6 regular sausagemeat.
  3. Happy Early Christmas upside down folks.
  4. He’s even got some spare on his chin, greedy swine !
  5. He is fond of a milky coffee, the dirty bugger
  6. Just send your family KD’s pic of the positive LFT, and wish them all the best. I’ll send you my PayPal so you can thank me later
  7. Lateral Flo… ( shamelessly nicked this from JawD)
  8. About an hour ago Fist Jnr was helping me prep for Christmas dinner and I was thinking “ He’s a good lad, you’ve done ok mate…” Then the little shithouse put a single grape in the freezer and said his mates had told him to try one. I’ve just got off the phone to the Adoption agency.… @The Fish you’ve got a lot to answer for you swine
  9. How shit will Tom’s hangover be when he wakes up? 1- Fumaca 2- Marcelino 3- Guivarc’h
  10. Diego can’t answer this until 2025.
  11. Was this in Newcastle? I have a very vague memory of seeing the car in the foyer of the old Odeon on Pilgrim St.
  12. I’m not sure it’s fair to Peter Withe, either.
  13. Who’s this? ( The bloke to the right of Peter Withe)
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