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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Tbf it’ll have taken that long to work out who’s the most persecuted- Saudi Arabia’s victims or Steve Bruce.
  2. He had to wait for the caretaker to arrive and show him which one his office was.
  3. I’ve had a perma-chub since it was announced.
  4. If we don’t buy him, I’m having a strop. I want comedy chants, ffs.
  5. I’d imagine he’ll have a celebratory drink, beyond that it’s none of our business. kinky bitch.
  6. Neither does he- “the two…er…Germans”
  7. So, if you go for a pint to cheer yourself up and the barman says ” Why the long face?” Dont chin him- he’s in the wrong joke. 😉
  8. I’ve got a lovely chicken and a nice bottle of wine in the fridge , just waiting for the announcement.…
  9. Typical Newcastle- we get the richest owners in football and how much have they spent? Nowt. Bring back Ashley.
  10. I’m just bumping this for anyone that’s missed it. Some bits sting, some he’s a bit meh, but 90% of it is on the button.
  11. Daft twat. He’ll lose all interest once he’s had sex with something other than his hand, but then, Catch 22.
  12. I can think of several million things that would help me get used to it, but I think they’re a bit wise to how sensitive that might be anyway.
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