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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Fish. I wouldn’t be too upset with Lampard, especially if he was working under Ragnarok 😉
  2. Someone woke up with a boo boo this morning
  3. 5 for me. Wolf Hall being one, Pratchett another. I should find the time to read more.
  4. What absolute nonsense. No Mackem player, especially not a local lad, would do that to the classiest club in monkwearmouth. … according to the Mackem at work.
  5. T5’s are the Chelsea tractors of the van world- too small to carry anything other than a vacuum and a , to expensive to give to to some radgepacket, still coming down from the weekend, on a Monday morning to get to the job. Useless.
  6. They’ve (rightly) held the top spot for ages, but the Vivaro and T5 Transporter are giving it a run for its money. Not sure why you're asking about nuts at the end though?
  7. It’s also a tragedy that helmets still aren’t compulsory on the slopes, given what happened to Sunni.
  8. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-29319423.amp Boills down to Shia vs Sunni, again.
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