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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. How do your brother-in-law’s canine masturbatory proclivities go down with the family, aside from him being a former Mackem manager?
  2. Not just likely- its certain. This interview with her seems to indicate that she has it. “One of the reasons Staveley has been so eager for the case to go ahead is her health. She suffers from Huntington’s disease, a degenerative genetic disorder that affects people later in life and for which there is no known cure. Once the disease starts taking effect, brain function slowly declines, culminating in symptoms similar to dementia. Staveley discovered she had inherited the Huntington’s gene from her mother at the age of 37 when she decided to start a family and got tested. She has been told the disease is dormant but could be brought on by anxiety or intense pressure at work. ‘The stress brings on the onset of the disease, and the disease is fatal,’ she says. ‘It was a tough decision for the judge to delay my case and I was in bits when Barclays won a two-year delay in 2017. They want to delay until I give up.’ Staveley suffers from mood swings that affect her family life, and there are long periods where she can’t sleep for more than three hours a night. She says: ‘I have the most incredibly patient and loving husband. I didn’t want to get married when I found out about the disease – but he said he didn’t care, and that we would find the best medical care available.’ Staveley says she has in fact exhibited signs of her Huntington’s disease throughout her life. She believes the disorder made her brilliant with numbers at a young age. ‘It’s actually very useful because I’ve never needed a calculator,’ she says breezily. ‘The Barclays guys were always shocked that I could do complicated financial models in my head. I thought I was just good with numbers – it turns out I was sick.’ She also says the disease means she has no ‘filter’ in social situations and laughs as she admits to embarrassing her husband with off-the-wall comments at parties.“ Obviously I hope, as you, that she’s around to see the fruits of her efforts with us pay off, and more importantly, for her husband and son. But, reading about it, it’s fucking grim. Anyway, how long will the bacon fiend continue to fleece us for a job not done?
  3. Understandable, given they make the best sausage on the planet- Kielbasa. 💣
  4. Sorry to bring a downer, but the chat about time being of the essence reminded me of Polarboy’s comment the other day about The Fragrant Amanda having Huntingdon’s Disease. The usual life expectancy of sufferers is 10-20 years from diagnosis- she was diagnosed with it 8 years ago, so, given her stated aim of winning the Title within 5-10 years, there’s a distinct possibility she may not see it happen. Obviously I hope she does, but it’s a sobering thought. As you were.
  5. Half-nine? That’s generous. He’s got a Mon-Fri breakfast order from Kamil’s Kebab Emporium to deliver at 10:00am sharp ( ish). Demolish that, quick fag and a pint, then a “morning” shite won’t see him rocking up til 11:00 at best.
  6. Tarbuck changed career from comedian to Professional Scouser about 50 years ago. He’ll probably send a cardboard cutout of himself to his own funeral.
  7. Let’s say they keep Bruce for a while. We’ve already seen his “best efforts” when he thought his job was rock solid. Why would anyone think that a dead-man-walking would do any better than he has over the last few years? Everyone, him included, knows he’s getting chopped, get him out the door now before he humiliates himself and us any more than he already has.
  8. Also, he’s now got something to constantly refer to whenever any Newcastle fans give him a bit of stick. He’ll have been on his vinegar stroke before he’d even finished reading it. Cheeky Nando’s and bottle of wine to celebrate.
  9. Also, having your appearance ripped by Ray fucking Parlour must sting a bit.
  10. Must be annoying as fuck when people constantly spell your surname wrong.
  11. The entire Mr. Men collection doesn’t count.
  12. Owners fond of decapitation. A racist DoF. If we sign Adam Johnson as youth coach I’d say that’s full house.
  13. If Paddocklad’s mate gets it instead of Quiff, it’ll be more epic than the whining about our takeover.
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