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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. What about that James Corden, how hilarious is he, eh? Laugh? I nearly fucked me mam.
  2. One at a time.… … preferably whilst it’s stationary
  3. Don’t know about him, but after they signed Berndt Haas it always amused me hearing commentators trying not to pronounce his name correctly, especially given how many times he received the eponymous treatment from faster players.
  4. Out of order there mind Renton. What are you thinking of by presenting a fucking snowflake with the consequences of his choices, particularly when they haven’t affected him directly? Give your head a shake, you reasonable chap.
  5. For the weak-of-wrist… ( Her post says 1st coffee of the 1st day…yada yada tits yada… I’m not seeing any coffee in that cup mind, which is the first time the phrase “empty cup” has been associated with Ms. Hayek.)
  6. That’s because he wears a mask and is vaccinated.
  7. Speaking of daft antivax French twats… France's Bogdanoff TV twins die of Covid six days apart https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-59867046 I hope they put their faces in the recycle bin before they plant them.
  8. Just in case it wasn’t clear, this includes every Little Englander Flag Wanker who voted them in and voted Leave. Traitors, responsible for the downfall of the country they profess to love.
  9. I thought His Royal Heinous said there were no witnesses at Pizza Express?
  10. I’m taking Fist Jnr. to see Spidrman; Too Far From Homecoming To Come Home, I’ll let you know if it’s anything other than the standard formulaic cack. Going to the Everyman though, so I can at least have a beer whilst enduring it.
  11. Get suited up, visit your Dad, but refuse to say anything but “I am the one who coughs!” to anyone. Then go home and cook some blue meth. 👍
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