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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The greatest trick the Tories ever pulled was getting everyone to blame the unemployed for the countries ills- the unemployed that the Tories put out of work and stripped of benefits.
  2. Tell me more about meeting in the Centurion at 10am on March 37th 1970.
  3. English isn’t Arteta’s first language, so you can forgive him for mistakenly adding the “r” to important.
  4. Funnily enough, I can imagine at least one.
  5. That was a very eco-friendly deal though, considering how many brown paper bags were involved.
  6. £5.8. Rising to £5,800,015.25p with appearances
  7. No encouragement needed- he’s hooked.
  8. Cheers lads, not on the wind -up, I genuinely didn’t know what they did. ( presumably the different pick-ups give different sounds/tones?) I think you’re probably right, too Tom- I think it is full size. Got the fender tuner app at the moment- is there an actual, physical one he needs? He’s had lessons on and off since primary school, but the teacher he had there put him off with the songs he had him learn. Since he started High school he’s got right back in to it and the teacher gives them a new tune every week or two. He’s still very much a beginner but he’s picking it up very quickly.
  9. If you’ll indulge a few daft questions lads, Fist Jnr. was given this the other day… It’s a 3/4 size Squier Showmaster. ( at least I think it’s 3/4). Some really basic questions- I know the knob nearest the pick-ups is a volume control, what does the other one do? Also, the little switch above them has 5 positions- any ideas? I think, too, that the plate below the pick ups has a hole for a tremolo arm, will any old one fit or does it need to be specific to the guitar? ( He fucking loves it btw, and has been practicing everyday since he got it).
  10. Whatever he cost, it’d be fucking priceless Can you imagine the kick-off in Jorvik-on-Wear?
  11. I’ve seen several mentions now that his being a former manager of the Tramps meant we were already against him- who are these journalists speaking to? No one I know has ever held that as reason they couldn’t stand him- it was all entirely because of his behaviour whilst with us.
  12. “during a team meeting ahead of Newcastle’s 2-0 defeat at Manchester City on Boxing Day, sources say Bruce spoke of ‘hitting Big Andy (Carroll)’ with direct balls. The players, it is said, were confused, for Carroll was on the bench.” Nice bloke, though.
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