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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. His name sounds like the noise you make when you tickled your kids when they were little.
  2. He’s a sort. I live near the training and I’ve told my daughter to stay away
  3. Doris drops her knickerbockers, deposits a Renton outside the back door.… ” Clean that up, mackem skank.”
  4. Was that when you still thought you had a chance with Debbie from accounts?
  5. There’s also what appears to be a massively shouldered, hair sniffing freak behind the back row, up and left of Staveley. How did you get in there, @Kid Dynamite?
  6. I’m sure the ladies are pleased he didn’t.
  7. He needs one of these. I think they come with extra strong blades for gingers.
  8. 👍 Sound, just wanted to be sure you don’t feel like you have to. Good luck blindsiding the Mrs when the next strangely guitar-shaped Amazon parcel turns up *edited for fingers like pig’s tits- wiseman…wtf?
  9. Are you sure you still want to get shot of it? It’s not a problem at all if you’ve had a look at it and changed your mind.
  10. “He'll be pumped up tonight I would imagine. Didn't like LJ I believe. Don't boo him he thrives of being the panto villain. Hopefully he has one of his regular poor games rather than his rare worldie.” Opening post https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/chris-maguire.1568922/
  11. Just get the national rugby shirt and a bit of white gloss.
  12. This is always something to look for in a footballer. Having watched the video above though, I know what you mean. He’s certainly able to play the Big Lad Upfront well, but seems also like a good poacher, and as you say, can use his feet. It’s a yes from me
  13. It’s on Here Pretty reliable usually.
  14. Maria Ewing, the opera singer famous for whipping out her tiddies and trim on stage, and, more importantly, bringing the fragrant Rebecca Hall in to being, has pegged it aged 71. RIP
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