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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Whatever they’re paying, CT will pay double for the footage I’ve now got of you. @Christmas Tree , he was wearing shorts - dreamy legs …
  2. His name sounds like the noise you make when you tickled your kids when they were little.
  3. He’s a sort. I live near the training and I’ve told my daughter to stay away
  4. Doris drops her knickerbockers, deposits a Renton outside the back door.… ” Clean that up, mackem skank.”
  5. Was that when you still thought you had a chance with Debbie from accounts?
  6. There’s also what appears to be a massively shouldered, hair sniffing freak behind the back row, up and left of Staveley. How did you get in there, @Kid Dynamite?
  7. I’m sure the ladies are pleased he didn’t.
  8. He needs one of these. I think they come with extra strong blades for gingers.
  9. 👍 Sound, just wanted to be sure you don’t feel like you have to. Good luck blindsiding the Mrs when the next strangely guitar-shaped Amazon parcel turns up *edited for fingers like pig’s tits- wiseman…wtf?
  10. Are you sure you still want to get shot of it? It’s not a problem at all if you’ve had a look at it and changed your mind.
  11. “He'll be pumped up tonight I would imagine. Didn't like LJ I believe. Don't boo him he thrives of being the panto villain. Hopefully he has one of his regular poor games rather than his rare worldie.” Opening post https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/chris-maguire.1568922/
  12. Just get the national rugby shirt and a bit of white gloss.
  13. This is always something to look for in a footballer. Having watched the video above though, I know what you mean. He’s certainly able to play the Big Lad Upfront well, but seems also like a good poacher, and as you say, can use his feet. It’s a yes from me
  14. It’s on Here Pretty reliable usually.
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