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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Bishop Auckland. That’s why we won’t hear about it for another 6 months.
  2. The hit rate statement still stands then.
  3. When you call your dealer and get them to deliver some Bong, you know that the Bong they deliver is illegal, without specifically asking. Similarly, when he called his friend and convicted sex offender and asked “ Hi Jeff, got any 17yr olds I can rape?” he’d have known she was trafficked, without specifically asking.
  4. Do you mean that pirate? They had a worse hit-rate than Imperial Stormtroopers
  5. Tbh, against Fiji and Papua New Guinea he could probably play the game via Zoom and still score.
  6. That’s 57 more than the total number of games they won in the Premier League, and 96 short of their total losses.
  7. Is this before or after Mrs. Joyce’s big fat fellows and merry little cracks?
  8. To save the bother, and since it’s common knowledge anyway, the issue is that the lass was trafficked. There against her will. A sex slave. Raped, basically. Her being above the age of consent in the country she was raped isn’t , and would never be, the issue, because her consent wasn’t asked. That’s not to say His Royal Heinous hasn’t also raped underaged girls, it’s just that the one he raped in this specific case was 17 at the time. There. Now at least you can’t say you aren’t informed. I did your research for you.
  9. I’ve told him he can only play “dusty end” solos once he’s also mastered the “guitar face”. e.g.
  10. Fair play- you win today’s “Even shiter joke than Fist’s” award.
  11. Can we change his surname to TenPints, just for the crack. Cheers
  12. He tripped coming out of the shower and impaled himself on one of his pointy shoes. Goes by the moniker Tommy Two Holes now.
  13. Also, Gemmill, Fist Jnr’s current, (no doubt soon to be relegated) axe of choice is a blue Squire Showmaster.
  14. I didn’t want to touch it after I’d licked it.
  15. Genuine query- which frets are the ones that need replacement, I’ve had a quick look, ran my stumpy sausage fingers over each one, and I honestly can’t feel any nicks or lumps? The top fret nearest the headpiece has some marks on it, but I really can’t feel any deformations?
  16. Seriously though, hats off to you Gemmill, it’s a lovely guitar and Fist Jnr. will be over the moon. Thank you very much. 👍
  17. Whatever they’re paying, CT will pay double for the footage I’ve now got of you. @Christmas Tree , he was wearing shorts - dreamy legs …
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