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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I like how Carragher just kept schtum in the clip, as he knew he was way out of his depth.
  2. I blame the Tofu- fryers.
  3. I’m having marine tofu-alternative with julienned tubers.… … with salt and vinegar and scraps. Giddup!
  4. Can you imagine the fucker eating a bacon sandwich?
  5. Two apologies in as many sentences. Peak Rayvin, folks. edit; just saw Fish’s post above. Am I fuck apologising though, mines more betterer.
  6. Day off, getting a new boiler. ( Heating, not divorce). Oh the joys.
  7. What’s the story behind the half, then? Did he skip out or you?
  8. He was a fucking beast! Chinned everyone even though he was the smallest bloke in the dojo. The Hawaiian lad is literally half the man he used to be nowadays.
  9. It was the only place to watch 3 minutes of snowboarding, followed by 1/2 an hour of the Paris- Dakaar rally, then Dutch ditch jumping. edit; aye, what Alex said
  10. This says 1hr at Gas 5, but I reckon they’ll need more than that.
  11. Why would he have green tea? Who knows what’s in it? Better to wait for the novatea which is coming out some time next never.
  12. Poor lad, he looks better in the pic on the left. Imagine being a male, teenaged, middle-aged lesbian.
  13. Heaven Can’t Wait, more like, or something.
  14. Special being the very operative word there
  15. I reckon it is mind, not many noses like that in 70s football
  16. You’d think he’d have gone for piss before doing the video- looks like he’s about to breach the dam.
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