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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I gave Dweezil a pigs ear last night to distract him- seemed to work. * the pig wasn’t too happy like.
  2. The Baseball Furies were mint… at everything except actually fighting
  3. Tbf I’d rather watch us win 4-3 than 1-0.
  4. “The 25-year-old was jailed two years ago for posting a picture on social media of himself shirtless and wearing leopard-print shorts.” In fairness to the Saudis, that is fucking criminal
  5. No one going to mention the massive zit on his fivehead?
  6. What do think of this @wykikitoon?
  7. You can only fit so many clothes in a Tesco carrier.
  8. Just change his name to Rasputin, then you’ve covered both bases. ( yes, I know Rasputin wasn’t akshwally a communist, Fish.).
  9. It’s his Staffie.… … at least it was one when he first got it.
  10. 1. Survive 2. FA Cup 3. League title 4. World Domination 5. Destroy Alderaan. Easy.
  11. If this had happened under Ashley we’d be happy as pigs in shit. If it’s true they’ve offered a 2 and half year contract then all the better- no one will be under any illusions of why he’s there. Good luck to the bloke.
  12. Blamed it on her catching Coronavirus- no mention at all about his cuntishness being investigated as a contributory factor. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9204559/amp/MP-Owen-Paterson-believes-catching-coronavirus-affected-wifes-mental-health.html ( It’s the Daily Heil, hence the TL:DR above, don’t click on that).
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