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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Monkeys Fist


    What about FOT- same letters, but similar enough to our very own murder-suicide freak of old to be memorable, also the sound you make popping the seal on a new jar of instant coffee?
  2. Andrew- “ What have I done? These fuckers have paid and now they want this… FML!”
  3. How do you get a stotty pissed, btw?
  4. Ah, so that’s your neighbours garden? So, until you fix it in 10 years, not only do they have to listen to your late-night ABBA disco-for-one, but they’ll get to see it too? Poor fuckers
  5. @Rayvin The standard response to any and all CT generated complaints are; “ Sorry. Fuck off” Cut and paste etc.
  6. I’m not too bothered actually- I was/am planning on knocking a hole in the wall on the left where it joins the garage, and putting a gate in- this has saved me the bother of taking down the fence Its even conveniently split the fence exactly where I needed it, so I can put it back up with new posts. Thanks Storm Whatever
  7. How does having 50 garden tables stop the dog dropping its dinner next door?
  8. I’ve done the next best thing until someone can be bothered
  9. Do you live in a “low-to-mid-range”garden seating showroom?
  10. Not quite on the level of Bridget/Tits McGee, but hey Ho.
  11. My back garden today. Looks like I’ll be buying some new fence posts then…
  12. Or, I’ll just let @strawb sort it.
  13. The middle aged version is known as “lying down” I believe
  14. Good question I’ve just had a (brief) attempt and can I fuck find it, on mobile. I’ll submit a request to the relevant sub-committee who will vote on whether to send the question to the regional politburo, and get back to you in 6 years.
  15. When they put the kid down for a nap, turn on the musical mobile above it’s cot and you’re like… … that’s when.
  16. Aye, I bet people hear him crunching along from miles away.
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