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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Are we sure it’s him and not Jason Manford? Why is he wearing a cake suit though? edit; Fucking hell- he’s on that Masked Singer abomination- is there anything this not-so-little cunt won’t do for money?
  2. WTF 😆 Why is Exciting Mick dressed as a cake???? Or has his stomach just burst.
  3. Sunderland are on at 22:06- that’s SIX past.
  4. Aye, a mate asked me what it’s like and I said imagine a cross between a building site and a prison, that stinks of oil, then fill it full of cunts who want to talk to you about how much money they’re on… all the fucking time Other than that, they’re ok.
  5. The first rig I went on was a semi-submersible, and they roll about in heavy seas like a ship ( they’re technically classed as ships, and registered as such). Maybe it was just me, but I was always very aware of where my escape route was, wherever I was, on whichever rig. On arrival you’d be given a safety tour, and there were lads who’d be bored and not paying attention and I’d always think “ Walking BBQ”. I always wore clothing that would keep me warm if I had to jump, whereas there were lads stilling about in jeans and whatever. That’s not to say I permanently on edge, far from it, but they’re hazardous sites and I took the the advice above from an old hand who’d been on them for decades.
  6. Piper Alpha. Fucking terrible series of fuck ups. The poor blokes in the accommodation block…
  7. Looks like they’re no longer best friends with everyone
  8. Me too… feel like laughing in their three-eyed faces.
  9. Just one too many They can’t do anything right, the SIX fingered freaks.
  10. They’re not taking it as classily as we’ve been told to expect…
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