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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Supposedly Lennie Peters was Charlie Watts’ uncle. You heard it here first.
  2. And they can’t go forward in time- only 30 years behind everyone else.
  3. It’s a bit like Dr. Who, but with a Turdis instead.
  4. A little understanding goes a long way here, lads. Sunday night is traditionally a night off for restaurants in France, so Asprilla knows his absent Mrs is about to get split in two by Pierre’s saucisson grande. Poor lad.
  5. I’m about to watch Return Of The King with my son. I’ll be amazed if you’re still here by the time I’m finished.
  6. For anyone who hasn’t seen it, the words you’re looking for are… SPOILERS, CUNT!
  7. I always thought Roy Keane looked better without his beard.
  8. This place has its own version of Godwin’s Law, except instead of Nazis it’s Denise Squelch. Godawfuls Law?
  9. CT knows all too well how hard it is to keep a fart in his trousers, unlike the time at Boldon Dogs where he managed to keep a shite in his trousers
  10. Is he not a Tory shithouse now, then? We’ve enough numpties in Labour, can the Lib-Dems not have him, or the Greens, since he likes wandering around fields examining shite?
  11. Asprilla and the argument he’s desperate to have …
  12. I was in to them before they went indie.
  13. Aye, it was. Nice to see the piss taking amongst the “other” spiderlads , but took way too long to get there. If you’re going to see a Spiderman film, you want to see Spiderman, thwipping about kicking fuck out of the baddies- not some fucking teenage angst bollocks for an hour before the suit even shows up.
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