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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. When she gets her tits out now she takes her socks off.
  2. If we’re so tolerant , you wouldn’t think we’d need laws to ensure it, though, would you?
  3. Outrageous that mind, when they had a former captain, with years of experience as a manager, ready and waiting. They’ll regret not bringing home the bacon.
  4. Looked them up- April Lawton is the guitarist. Her bio is a bit of a wild ride https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_Lawton Got two albums on Apple Music, which I’ll give a blast when I’m making dinner tonight.
  5. Let’s be honest, our main shareholders make these two seem like philanthropic angels.
  6. Did you read the link Fish posted? It tells you, with bullet points, third paragraph down, what to get. Going from your post above, it’s not even a 3-way choice, as you seem to be torn between a chrome book or laptop.
  7. Olivia Neutron Bomb and ELO- Xanadu, except it’s Manatee. Thank me later
  8. So, are you saying it’s unlikely I’ll get to do the Nasty with sexy green alien women? Devastated.
  9. CT is the Lee Charnley of Boldon, utterly incapable of making a decision by himself.
  10. Nope, I’d expect he’ll be back when he wakes up later this afternoon for another round of pointless pedantry. Tonight, we will discus why Krafth is better than Beckenbauer, as the stats show. Also “pics of his missus & kids” … As if
  11. CT Googling “ dark web shaved cow” and thinking the blue flashing lights on his street are the neighbours, finally having an ABBA party.
  12. I’m not kidding either. Thats fucking minging… who would paint their kitchen pus green?
  13. Tried “shaved cow monster”, came up NSFL.
  14. As chuffed as I am that you’ve proved yourself to be more tinterweb-savvy than our Boldon Bunter, I have to ask… … what in the gibbering fuck did you put in to Google search to find the above?
  15. Ah, a fellow dark sider. Let the hate flow through you…
  16. So, I posted on the Guitar Thread about my lad discovering guitar bands like The Stooges, Bad Seeds, Hendrix , Nirvana. Proud as punch. He’s also very fond of Lindisfarne and some John Martyn, so I played him Vincent by Don McLean, thinking he’d like it- Loved it. I didn’t tell him that it was the “sexy time” song of my first love and I , before me and his Mam got together Hey Ho! ( also, turns out Donny is a wife beater, who has a girlfriend 48 years his junior. Ffs. ) edit; I suppose it’s somewhat ironic that Mrs.F loves the tits off Van Gogh, and this is also one of her favourite tracks. No, I’ve never told her that she’s sloppy seconds on this song, and don’t intend to either. I like my bread buttered without unnecessary drama
  17. @ ciaomanheyman, there’s a gif for every situation… … you just can’t post the fucker. Salt… wound… etc.
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